Acronym | Definition |
REP | Representative |
REP | Reply |
REP | Repair |
REP | Repeat |
REP | Reputation |
REP | Registered Education Provider |
REP | Republican |
REP | Retail Electric Provider |
REP | Repetition |
REP | Real Estate Professional |
REP | Republicans for Environmental Protection |
REP | Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy |
REP | Republikaner (German Conservative Party) |
REP | Real Estate Photographer |
REP | Reasonable Expectation of Privacy (law) |
REP | Rural Education Program (various locations) |
REP | Real Estate Partnership |
REP | Re-Entry Permit (immigration) |
REP | Rural Electrification Programme (various locations) |
REP | Rab Escort Protein |
REP | Race Equality Policy (various organizations) |
REP | Reynolds Number |
REP | Renewable Energy Project (Nepal) |
REP | Reply File |
REP | Regional Exchange Point |
REP | Report File |
REP | Replace Command |
REP | Residential Exchange Program (utility law) |
REP | Radiological Emergency Preparedness |
REP | Registered Environmental Professional |
REP | Resistive Exercise Products |
REP | Rehabilitation Engineering Program (various organizations) |
REP | Re-Employment Program (Toronto, Canada) |
REP | Repose en Paix (French: Rest in Peace; band) |
REP | Real Estate Publisher |
REP | Regional Evacuation Plan (US FEMA) |
REP | Roentgen Equivalent Physical |
REP | Requirements Engineering Process |
REP | Research Ethics Program (various schools) |
REP | Recreation Engineering and Planning (Boulder, CO) |
REP | Retail Energy Provider |
REP | Researcher Exchange Programme |
REP | Reconnaissance de l'Expérience Professionnelle (French: Recognition of Professional Experience) |
REP | Raleigh Ensemble Players (Raleigh, NC) |
REP | Régiment Etranger Parachutiste (French: Parachute Infantry Regiment) |
REP | Release Reuse Equivalency Principle |
REP | Reserve Enlistment Program |
REP | Re-Entry Partnership (various locations) |
REP | Réseau Ecologique Paneuropéen (French: Pan-European Ecological Network) |
REP | Radioisotope Electric Propulsion |
REP | Recognised Environmental Picture (British Royal Navy tool) |
REP | Relativistic Electron Precipitation |
REP | Radio Emergency Patrol (NYPD) |
REP | Relativistic Effective Potential |
REP | Read-Evaluate-Print |
REP | Represent/Represented |
REP | Reasonable Efforts Program |
REP | Resonance Escape Probability |
REP | Range Error Probable |
REP | Realtek Echo Protocol |
REP | Regional Equalisation Plan (Australia) |
REP | Regional Evacuation Point |
REP | Residue Elimination Project |
REP | Residue Elimination Program |
REP | Réaction Extra-Pyramidale |
REP | Rating to Economic Performance (HSBC stock valuation tool) |
REP | Radio-Electronic Protection |
REP | Reinsurance Earned Premiums |
REP | Refined Engineering Prototype |