REPRegistered Education Provider
REPRetail Electric Provider
REPReal Estate Professional
REPRepublicans for Environmental Protection
REPRoutledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy
REPRepublikaner (German Conservative Party)
REPReal Estate Photographer
REPReasonable Expectation of Privacy (law)
REPRural Education Program (various locations)
REPReal Estate Partnership
REPRe-Entry Permit (immigration)
REPRural Electrification Programme (various locations)
REPRab Escort Protein
REPRace Equality Policy (various organizations)
REPReynolds Number
REPRenewable Energy Project (Nepal)
REPReply File
REPRegional Exchange Point
REPReport File
REPReplace Command
REPResidential Exchange Program (utility law)
REPRadiological Emergency Preparedness
REPRegistered Environmental Professional
REPResistive Exercise Products
REPRehabilitation Engineering Program (various organizations)
REPRe-Employment Program (Toronto, Canada)
REPRepose en Paix (French: Rest in Peace; band)
REPReal Estate Publisher
REPRegional Evacuation Plan (US FEMA)
REPRoentgen Equivalent Physical
REPRequirements Engineering Process
REPResearch Ethics Program (various schools)
REPRecreation Engineering and Planning (Boulder, CO)
REPRetail Energy Provider
REPResearcher Exchange Programme
REPReconnaissance de l'Expérience Professionnelle (French: Recognition of Professional Experience)
REPRaleigh Ensemble Players (Raleigh, NC)
REPRégiment Etranger Parachutiste (French: Parachute Infantry Regiment)
REPRelease Reuse Equivalency Principle
REPReserve Enlistment Program
REPRe-Entry Partnership (various locations)
REPRéseau Ecologique Paneuropéen (French: Pan-European Ecological Network)
REPRadioisotope Electric Propulsion
REPRecognised Environmental Picture (British Royal Navy tool)
REPRelativistic Electron Precipitation
REPRadio Emergency Patrol (NYPD)
REPRelativistic Effective Potential
REPReasonable Efforts Program
REPResonance Escape Probability
REPRange Error Probable
REPRealtek Echo Protocol
REPRegional Equalisation Plan (Australia)
REPRegional Evacuation Point
REPResidue Elimination Project
REPResidue Elimination Program
REPRéaction Extra-Pyramidale
REPRating to Economic Performance (HSBC stock valuation tool)
REPRadio-Electronic Protection
REPReinsurance Earned Premiums
REPRefined Engineering Prototype