Acronym | Definition |
AFMA | Australian Financial Markets Association |
AFMA | Australian Fisheries Management Authority |
AFMA | American Furniture Manufacturers Association |
AFMA | American Fiber Manufacturers Association |
AFMA | American Film Marketing Association (now known simply as AFMA) |
AFMA | Americans for Medical Advancement |
AFMA | Air Force Manpower Agency (US Air Force; Randolph AFB, TX, USA) |
AFMA | Agricultural and Fisheries Modernization Act (Philippines) |
AFMA | Animal Feed Manufacturers Association |
AFMA | Australasian Fleet Managers Association (Australia) |
AFMA | Australian False Memory Association |
AFMA | Arizona Floodplain Management Association |
AFMA | American Family Martial Arts |
AFMA | Automated Fabrication of Mobility Aids |
AFMA | Alberta Farmers' Market Association |
AFMA | American Folk Musicians Association |
AFMA | Association of Food Marketing Agencies |
AFMA | American Feed Manufacturers Association |
AFMA | Arizona Food Marketing Alliance |
AFMA | American Federation of Martial Arts |
AFMA | Alliance for Missions Advancement |
AFMA | ASEAN Federation of Mining Association |
AFMA | Angel Flight Mid-Atlantic |
AFMA | African Farm Management Association |
AFMA | Afloat Fleet Maintenance Activity (US Navy) |
AFMA | Alabama Farmers Market Authority |
AFMA | Air Force Musicians Association (Colorado Springs, CO) |
AFMA | Apostolic Faith Mission Africa |
AFMA | Aortic Forward Flow Mapping Area |
AFMA | Associate Fellow of the Marketing Association of Australia and New Zealand (professional post-nominal) |
AFMA | Association for Forensic Multimedia Analysis |
AFMA | American Fur Merchants Association (New York, NY) |