RAFTReversible Addition-Fragmentation Chain Transfer (polymerisation chemistry)
RAFTResource Area for Teachers
RAFTRole Audience Format Topic (writing technique)
RAFTRapid Access Facts Tool (software)
RAFTRear Admiral Fleet Train (US Navy)
RAFTRestoration of Appearance & Function Trust (UK medical charity)
RAFTRevolving Acceptance Facility By Tender
RAFTRestate the Question, Answer the Question, for Example, Tie It Together (education)
RAFTRecovering Addicts Fellowship Team
RAFTReally Ambitious Filmmaking Team (Claremont Colleges)
RAFTResource Aggregation for Fault Tolerance
RAFTReject Any Fast Tracking (urban development, RI)
RAFTReactor Aerosol Formation and Transport (computer model)
RAFTRisk Assessment Falls Tool (osteoporosis)