Acronym | Definition |
RAFT | Reversible Addition-Fragmentation Chain Transfer (polymerisation chemistry) |
RAFT | Resource Area for Teachers |
RAFT | Role Audience Format Topic (writing technique) |
RAFT | Rapid Access Facts Tool (software) |
RAFT | Rear Admiral Fleet Train (US Navy) |
RAFT | Restoration of Appearance & Function Trust (UK medical charity) |
RAFT | Revolving Acceptance Facility By Tender |
RAFT | Restate the Question, Answer the Question, for Example, Tie It Together (education) |
RAFT | Recovering Addicts Fellowship Team |
RAFT | Really Ambitious Filmmaking Team (Claremont Colleges) |
RAFT | Resource Aggregation for Fault Tolerance |
RAFT | Reject Any Fast Tracking (urban development, RI) |
RAFT | Reactor Aerosol Formation and Transport (computer model) |
RAFT | Risk Assessment Falls Tool (osteoporosis) |