Acronym | Definition |
AFMC | Air Force Materiel Command |
AFMC | Arkansas Foundation for Medical Care |
AFMC | Air Force Sustainment Center (US DoD) |
AFMC | Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (Australia) |
AFMC | Armed Forces Medical College (Pune, India) |
AFMC | Association of Fundamental Ministers & Churches, Inc (Kansas City, MO) |
AFMC | Armed Forces of America Motorcycle Club |
AFMC | Auxiliary Fuel Management Computer |
AFMC | Ashland Free Medical Clinic (San Lorenzo, CA) |
AFMC | Association des Faculté de Médecine du Canada (Association of Canadian Medical Colleges) |
AFMC | Armed Forces Motorcycle Club |
AFMC | Avionics Flight Management Computer |
AFMC | Advanced Flight Management Computer (avionics) |