Acronym | Definition |
SFL | South Florida (various organizations) |
SFL | Sekmadienio Futbolo Lyga (Lithuanian: Sunday Football League) |
SFL | Students for Liberty (est. 2007) |
SFL | Soldier for Life (US Army) |
SFL | Skills for Life |
SFL | Smime Freeware Library |
SFL | Standard Function Library |
SFL | State Fishing Lake (various locations) |
SFL | Second Foreign Language |
SFL | Systemic-Functional Linguistics |
SFL | Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (Canada) |
SFL | Single-Family Low (zoning) |
SFL | Sucker for Love |
SFL | Single File Line |
SFL | Société Foncière Lyonnaise (French: Lyonnaise Property Company; Lyon, France) |
SFL | Shelter for Life (Maple Grove, IL) |
SFL | Schools Fantasy League |
SFL | Stoner for Life |
SFL | Solid Film Lubricant |
SFL | Sequenced Flashing Lights |
SFL | Surgery Fort Lauderdale (Florida) |
SFL | Screen For Life (CDC cancer screening) |
SFL | Société Française du Livre (French: French Book Society) |
SFL | Simulated Forced Landing (aviation) |
SFL | Structures Formelles du Langage (French: Formal Structure of Language) |
SFL | Soldier Focused Logistics |
SFL | Société Française de Luth (French: French Lute Society) |
SFL | Society of Federal Linguists |
SFL | Statistiques et Finances Locales (French: Statistics and Local Finance; economics forum) |
SFL | Sciences de La Fabrication et Logistique (French: Science of Manufacturing and Logistics; educational engineering program) |
SFL | Structural Floor Level |
SFL | Stingray Foundation Library (software) |
SFL | Steel Flying Lead (Oil & Gas) |
SFL | Single-Face Laminate |
SFL | Safe Fill Level (vessel design, vapor space) |
SFL | State Farm Life Insurance Company (Bloomington, Illinois) |
SFL | Santé France-Laos (French: Health France-Laos) |
SFL | Sectorized Fill Layout |
SFL | Sandford Freight Ltd. (Ireland) |
SFL | Single Folded Letter (philately) |
SFL | Size Float Level |
SFL | Secondary Freon Loop |