AFNAssembly of First Nations
AFNAssociation for Nutrition (regulator; UK)
AFNAlaska Federation of Natives
AFNAmerican Forces Network
AFNAustralian Fishing Network (publisher)
AFNAfrique Française du Nord (French: French North Africa)
AFNAncestral File Number (FamilySearch genealogy records)
AFNArmed Forces Network
AFNAboriginal First Nations (Canada)
AFNAlesco Financial Inc (stock symbol)
AFNAfghan Afghani (new ISO currency code)
AFNAlliance for Nature (Austria)
AFNAdditional Funds Needed
AFNAll For Now (used at end of email)
AFNAssociation Française de Nutrition (French: French Association of Nutrition)
AFNAmerica's Fiber Network (LLC)
AFNAlternative Fuel News (publication; US Department of Energy)
AFNAmerican Forensic Nurses
AFNAdvanced Fiber Network
AFNATS Facilities Notification
AFNAdoption Family Network
AFNAll For Naught
AFNAggregate Function Network
AFNAsociación Futuro de los Niños (Association for the Future of Children, Guatemala)
AFNAcronym For Nothing
AFNAddress Complete Message Subscriber Free, No Charge (ANSI)