RBRed Bull (energy beverage)
RBRunning Back (football)
RBRose Bowl (college football game)
RBReplaced By
RBRock Band (video game)
RBReckitt Benckiser (UK)
RBReally Bad
RBRight Back (soccer position)
RBRechtbank (Courthouse) - Belgium
RBRedondo Beach (California)
RBRegionalbahn (German: local train)
RBRed Bluff (California)
RBRadio Broadcasting
RBRancho Bernardo (California)
RBReview Board
RBRadio Button
RBRehoboth Beach (Delaware)
RBRainbow Brite (80's cartoon)
RBRaging Bull (amusement park ride)
RBRecycle Bin
RBRadio Bremen (German Radio and TV Station)
RBRock Bottom
RBRadio Band
RBRead Back (logging abbreviation)
RBRetinoblastoma Protein
RBRubber Band
RBReflec Beat (game)
RBRegional Business
RBRoot Beer
RBRoll Back
RBRed Border
RBBase Resistance (transistors)
RBRoast Beef
RBReduced Bore (valves)
RBRelay Box (various companies)
RBRankin-Bass (animation company)
RBREALBasic (REAL Software Inc.)
RBReactor Building
RBReconnaissance Bomber
RBRatebeer.com (website)
RBRio Bravo
RBRobert Bosch GmbH (auto industry supplier)
RBRhinoceros Beetle
RBRight Brain
RBRecovery Block
RBRainbow Bridge
RBRegular Budget
RBRx Bandits (band)
RBRound Ball (muzzleloader shooting)
RBRight Bumper (Xbox 360 controller button)
RBRadar Beacon (aircraft navigation aid)
RBRaffel Brothers (founders of Arby's)
RBRecommended Buy (US DoD; Defense Logistics Agency)
RBRose Bengal
RBSyrian Arab Airlines (IATA airline code)
RBRescue Boat
RBRegistered Builder (various locations)
RBReticulate Body (Chlamydia)
RBRetirement Benefit(s)
RBReclamation Board
RBRepublic of Bulgaria
RBRelative Bearing
RBRadio Bearing
RBReentry Body
RBRauland-Borg Corporation (Skokie, Illinois)
RBRevenue Budget (various states)
RBRobot Battle (game)
RBRichard Blackwood (MTV UK and Ireland presenter)
RBRighteous Babe
RBRepublic of Bashkortostan (region in Russian Federation)
RBRob Bourdon (Linkin Park drummer)
RBRequest for Bid
RBResolution Bandwidth
RBRun Balanced (Front Page Sports Football '95 et al)
RBRealbot (Counter-Strike program)
RBRepetition Blindness
RBResponsible Body
RBRockBoard (video game)
RBRibbon Bridge
RBRight Bench (stream/river)
RBMyredbook.com (social network website)
RBResurrection Blvd (TV show)
RBRice Bug
RBRelocatable Buildings
RBResistance Brazing
RBRegisterbank (assembly language ASM51 assembler control)
RBRace Breed (automotive)
RBRotary Beacon
RBRinse Blank (water run over equipment that is analyzed to check for cross contamination)
RBRelay Broadcast
RBRingwood Brewery (UK)
RBRepasz Band (Williamsport, PA)
RBRadiation Belt Mapper (Mission)
RBResidue Beamwidth
RBRinggold Band (Reading, PA)
RBRadiator Bending
RBUS Revenue Proprietary (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately)
RBRavana Brothers
RBRohrersville Band (Rohrersville, MD)
RBReached Bottom Time (diving)