Acronym | Definition |
RMS | Root-Mean-Square (power measurement) |
RMS | Richard M. Stallman |
RMS | Rooms |
RMS | Risk Management System |
RMS | Resource Management System |
RMS | Roads and Maritime Services (New South Wales, Australia) |
RMS | Records Management System |
RMS | Rights Management Services (Microsoft Windows Server 2003) |
RMS | Rhabdomyosarcoma |
RMS | Reliability, Maintainability and Safety (various organizations) |
RMS | Retail Management System |
RMS | Resource Management Services |
RMS | Risk Management Strategy |
RMS | Remote Monitoring System |
RMS | Resource Management Solutions (Spokane, WA) |
RMS | Revenue Management System |
RMS | Risk Management Solutions, Inc |
RMS | Requirements Management System |
RMS | Requirements Management System (National Imagery Collection Requirements) |
RMS | Remote Manipulator System (Space Shuttle) |
RMS | Remote Management Software |
RMS | Research Methods and Statistics (Denver, CO) |
RMS | Royal Mail Ship |
RMS | Respiratory Muscle Strength |
RMS | Reims Management School (France) |
RMS | Residential Mortgage Services, Inc. (Maine) |
RMS | Remote Mine-hunting System |
RMS | Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis (disease) |
RMS | Root Management Server |
RMS | Restaurant Management System (Point of Sale) |
RMS | Revenue Market Share |
RMS | Reference Member State |
RMS | Reliability Management System (Western Systems Coordinating Council initiative for assuring reliable electric power) |
RMS | Resident Management System |
RMS | Radiation Monitoring System |
RMS | Request Management System |
RMS | Relative Market Share |
RMS | Redwood Middle School (California) |
RMS | Root Mean Squared |
RMS | Retail Merchandise System |
RMS | Reliant Monitor Software |
RMS | Remote Monitoring Services |
RMS | Rack Mount Server |
RMS | Recipe Management Systems |
RMS | Rack Mount Systems |
RMS | Rights Management Services |
RMS | Remote Management Server |
RMS | Resource Management Scheduling |
RMS | Remote Management System |
RMS | Resource Management Service |
RMS | Remote Management Solution |
RMS | Reliable Multicast Service |
RMS | Random Music Sensor |
RMS | Rocks My Socks |
RMS | Royal Masonic School (UK) |
RMS | Redundancy Management System |
RMS | Riverwood Middle School |
RMS | Remote Measurement System |
RMS | Revere Middle School (Richfield, OH) |
RMS | Royal Mail Steamer |
RMS | Record Management Services |
RMS | Respiratory Monitoring System |
RMS | Republik Maluku Selatan (Republic of the South-Moluccas) |
RMS | Royal Military School (various locations) |
RMS | Royal Microscopical Society |
RMS | Ringtone Media Studio (software) |
RMS | Robinson Middle School (Plano, Texas) |
RMS | Raytheon Missile Systems |
RMS | Records Management Society |
RMS | Receivable Management Services |
RMS | Rada Mladeze Slovenska (Slovak: Youth Council of Slovakia) |
RMS | Royal Meteorological Society |
RMS | Radio Marketing Service (Hamburg, Germany) |
RMS | Railway Mail Service |
RMS | Royal Mail Steamship |
RMS | Riverwatch Middle School (Suwanee, GA) |
RMS | Russian Musical Society (est. 1859) |
RMS | Rate Monotonic Scheduling |
RMS | Reliability, Maintainability, Supportability |
RMS | Rack Mount Space |
RMS | Remote Management Station (computing) |
RMS | Rehabilitation and Movement Science (University of Vermont) |
RMS | Recruitment Management Solution (software) |
RMS | Revision Management System |
RMS | Return Management System (software) |
RMS | Rig Management System |
RMS | Rathkamp Matchcover Society |
RMS | Rye Middle School (Rye, NY) |
RMS | Rainbow Motor School (Japan) |
RMS | Riser Monitoring System (oil exploration) |
RMS | Readiness Management Support |
RMS | Retail Managed Services |
RMS | Reticle Management System |
RMS | Rebate Management System (software) |
RMS | Royal Mail Service |
RMS | Robotic Manufacturing System |
RMS | Recovery Management System |
RMS | Reconfigurable Manufacturing System |
RMS | Rocky Mountain Slides (Salida, CO) |
RMS | Rotating Magnet |
RMS | Random Motion Simulator (US NASA) |
RMS | Raw Material Supply |
RMS | Ratcheting Mule Shoe (oil exploration) |
RMS | Rubbermaid Medical Solutions |
RMS | Russ Martin Show (radio) |
RMS | Remote Manipulator Subsystem |
RMS | Return My Serve |
RMS | Russian Mathematical Surveys |
RMS | Reconnaissance Management System |
RMS | Recipe Management System (manufacturing) |
RMS | Reloadable Motor System |
RMS | Recovery Management Support |
RMS | Rainwater Management Solutions |
RMS | Rapid Message Service (HeyAnita |
RMS | Revue des Mathématiques de l'Enseignement Supérieur (French: Journal of Higher Education Mathematics) |
RMS | Repair Management System (various companies) |
RMS | Rocket Management System |
RMS | Remote Monitoring Subsystem |
RMS | Ride Motion Simulator |
RMS | Rapid Message Service (HeyAnita, Inc.) |
RMS | Rake Management System |
RMS | Rocky Mountain Semester (High Mountain Institute) |
RMS | Richmond Montessori School (Richmond, Virginia) |
RMS | Range Management Squadron |
RMS | Roughness Measurement System |
RMS | Redmax Management Suite |
RMS | Remote Master Station |
RMS | Routemagic Server |
RMS | Raw Materials Surcharge (steel) |
RMS | Rapid Multilingual Support (DARPA Babylon program) |
RMS | Rex Marechal Shapes (Berkeley Vale, NSW, Australia surfboard shaper) |
RMS | Roadside Mail Service (Australia Post) |
RMS | Range Measuring System |
RMS | Royal Merchant Ship |
RMS | Roosevelt Magnet School (Peoria, IL) |
RMS | Ruffing Montessori School (Cleveland Heights, OH) |
RMS | Ramp Metering Station (traffic management) |
RMS | Request for Merge Specification |
RMS | Relocation Management Solutions (New York) |
RMS | Redundancy Management Services (Telcordia) |
RMS | Remember My Service |
RMS | Routing Management System |
RMS | Relational Management System |
RMS | Royal Mushroom Sirkus (theRMS album) |
RMS | Random Message Selection |
RMS | Rushey Mead School (UK) |
RMS | Removable Memory System |
RMS | Rotorcraft Mapping System |
RMS | Recruiting Main Station |
RMS | Rapid Mobile Surgical (hospital) |
RMS | Remote Maintenance Station(s) |
RMS | Redistribution Management System |
RMS | Requirements Mediations Service |
RMS | Reine Musikleistung (German: effective music output of speakers) |
RMS | Resource Monitoring Subsystem |
RMS | Reliability and Maintainability Simulator |
RMS | Ready Maintenance Stores |
RMS | Retarder Modulation Solenoid |
RMS | Radar Maintenance Spares |
RMS | Reducing Metering Station |
RMS | Regular Menu Staging |
RMS | Rotary Mechanical Splicing |
RMS | Regional Maintenance Shop |
RMS | Report of Material State |
RMS | Royal Majesty Services |
RMS | Rail Maintenance Service (KPR locomotives) |
RMS | Rich Message Service |
RMS | Radio Measurement Statistics |
RMS | Rappahannock Music Society (Virginia) |