RMSARastriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (Indian initiative)
RMSARelevant Metropolitan Statistical Area
RMSARocky Mountain Spearfishing Association
RMSARocky Mountain Society of Aviculture
RMSARetiree Medical Savings Account
RMSARMSU (Russian State Medical University) Malaysian Students Association
RMSARetail Merchandising Service Automation
RMSARocky Mountain Scottish Athletes
RMSARocky Mountain Soaring Association
RMSARural Music Schools Association (now Benslow Music Trust; UK)
RMSARegistered Member of the Society of Archivists (UK)
RMSARectangular Microstrip Antenna
RMSAResearch Management Self Assessment
RMSASeaman Apprentice, Radioman Striker (Naval Rating)
RMSARoof Manufacturers & Suppliers Association (Ireland)
RMSARadiological Material Storage Area