Acronym | Definition |
SFM | Sustainable Forest Management |
SFM | Sydney Fish Market (Sydney, Australia) |
SFM | Strategic Financial Management |
SFM | Six Figure Mentors (Internet marketing; est. 2008) |
SFM | Street Fighting Man |
SFM | Science Fiction Museum (Seattle) |
SFM | Surface Fitting Method |
SFM | System Font Map |
SFM | Sound Font Manager |
SFM | Switch Fabric Module |
SFM | Structured File Manager |
SFM | Services for Macintosh |
SFM | Surface Feet per Minute |
SFM | Super Flying Model (various companies) |
SFM | Stars from Mars (fiber optics) |
SFM | Serum-Free Media (Thermo Scientific HyClone) |
SFM | Switch Fabric Module (Cisco Systems) |
SFM | Specialist Fund Market (London Stock Exchange; UK) |
SFM | State Fire Marshall (California) |
SFM | Serveis Ferroviaris de Mallorca (Spanish railway company; Majorca, Spain) |
SFM | Scanning Force Microscope |
SFM | Société Française de Microbiologie |
SFM | Société Franco-Manitobaine (Canada) |
SFM | Storage Foundation Manager (software) |
SFM | Scanning Fluorescence Microscopy |
SFM | Sports Facility Management |
SFM | State Fleet Management (various locations) |
SFM | Sent from Mobile |
SFM | Single Family Medium (zoning) |
SFM | Shelby Ford Mustang (automobile) |
SFM | Société Française de Musicologie (French: French Society of Musicology; est. 1917) |
SFM | Security Force Monitor (human rights organization; New York, NY) |
SFM | Southern Frat Move (est. 2011) |
SFM | So Freaking Much |
SFM | Sunflower Meal |
SFM | Skinfold Measurement |
SFM | Slow Fading Margin |
SFM | School of Frontier Media (Youth with a Mission) |
SFM | Shop Floor Management |
SFM | Sound Financial Management |
SFM | Six Flags Mexico (amusement park) |
SFM | State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company |
SFM | Sellerie Frédéric Moulins (French upholstery company) |
SFM | Senior Finance Manager |
SFM | Sum Frequency Mixing |
SFM | Source Film Maker (software) |
SFM | Small Frequent Meals (health) |
SFM | Switching and Forwarding Module |
SFM | Sensor Fuzed Munition |
SFM | Stewart Financial Management, Inc. (Park Ridge, NJ) |
SFM | Svenska Föreningen för Mikrobiologis (Swedish: Swedish Society for Microbiology) |
SFM | Straightforward Method (cryptographic attack) |
SFM | Société Française de Mésothérapie (French: French Society of Mesotherapy) |
SFM | Swedish Free Mission |
SFM | Société Française des Mécaniciens (French: French Society of Mechanics) |
SFM | Sport Freizeit Mode (German: Sports, Leisure and Fashion) |
SFM | Société Francophone de Mémétique (French: Francophone Society of Memetics) |
SFM | Société Française de Myologie (French: French Society of Myology) |
SFM | Sinai Field Mission (est. 1976) |
SFM | Société Française de Morphopsychologie (French: French Society of Morphopsychology; Paris, France) |
SFM | Social Footprint Method (Center for Sustainable Innovation) |
SFM | Société Forestière du Maine (French: Forest Society of Maine; lumber supplier) |
SFM | Supply Financial Management |
SFM | Services for the Macintosh |
SFM | System Fault Manager |
SFM | Stride Filtered Markov Predictor |
SFM | Soundfield Microphone |
SFM | Spacecraft Fault Management |
SFM | Simplified Feed Model |
SFM | Service Facility Manipulator |
SFM | Substance-Field Model |
SFM | Société Française de Microscopie (French: French Society of Microscopy) |
SFM | Society for Foodservices Management |
SFM | Stabilized Fiber Matrix (Terra Novo Inc, (erosion control management) |
SFM | Stock Fund Materiel |
SFM | System Feasibility Model |
SFM | Sales Floor Manager |
SFM | San Francisco, California Moscone Convention Center (Amtrak station code; San Francisco, CA) |
SFM | Simca Facel Métallon (French car club) |
SFM | Synthetic Ferro-Magnetic |
SFM | Sacred Flower Medicinals (Selma, OR) |
SFM | Sales Forecasting Model |
SFM | Silicon Fan Mount (Nexus) |
SFM | Single Fluid Model |
SFM | Strategic Flow Management |