RVRecreational Vehicle
RVRiver Valley (Singapore)
RVReview (medical)
RVRuntime Verification
RVResearch Vessel
RVRoyal Vegas
RVRight Ventricular
RVRelief Valve
RVRevert (Wikimedia Foundation)
RVRendezvous (military)
RVRendezvous (logging abbreviation)
RVReceived Votes (sports ranking)
RVRight Ventricle
RVRigveda (Indian sacred collection)
RVRental Vehicle
RVRandom Variable
RVRetroverted (uterus)
RVResidual Volume (lung)
RVResponse Vehicle
RVRotavirus Vaccine
RVRecirculation Valve
RVRevised Version (of the Bible; published in 1881-1885)
RVRappaport-Vassiliadis (salmonella enrichment broth)
RVRemote View
RVRød Valgallianse
RVRéalité Virtuelle (French: Virtual Reality)
RVRated Voltage
RVRateable Value (business premises terminology)
RVRabies Virus
RVRelease Valve
RVReference Voltage
RVReactor Vessel
RVReconnaissance Vehicle
RVRelatieve Vochtigheid (Dutch: Relative Humidity)
RVRescue Vessel
RVRalston Valley (Colorado)
RVRadar View
RVResident Visitor
RVRyom Verzeichnis (Works of Vivaldi list by Peter Ryom)
RVRifle Volunteers (British Army)
RVRhino Virus
RVReceipt Voucher
RVReceive Variable
RVRadar Vector
RVRunway Visibility
RVRetrieval Vessel (US NASA)
RVRuins Vacation
RVRegulatory Verification (various locations)
RVRuneVillage (RuneScape gaming discussion forum)
RVRoss Volunteers (Texas A&M University Corps of Cadets)
RVRoutine Verification
RVRing Voice
RVRecombination Velocity
RVRadius of Vulnerability
RVReentry/Remote Vehicle
RVUS Revenue Motor Vehicle Use (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately)