Acronym | Definition |
SPE | Society of Petroleum Engineers |
SPE | Solid Phase Extraction |
SPE | Strategic Planning and Evaluation (US FEMA) |
SPE | Sony Pictures Entertainment |
SPE | Special Purpose Entity |
SPE | Synchronous Payload Envelope |
SPE | Siemens Professional Education (formerly Siemens-Berufsausbildung) |
SPE | Synergistic Processor Element |
SPE | Static Phase Error (US NASA) |
SPE | Small Programming Enhancement |
SPE | Service Provider Equipment |
SPE | Special Programming Enhancements |
SPE | Serial Peripheral System Enable |
SPE | Spline Editor |
SPE | Small Product Enhancement |
SPE | System Processing Engine |
SPE | System Policy Editor |
SPE | Sophisticated Paint Endorsement (American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc.) |
SPE | Skill Performance Evaluation (various organizations) |
SPE | Signal Processing Equipment |
SPE | Storage Processor Enclosure |
SPE | Synergistic Processing Element |
SPE | Service Provider Edition (software) |
SPE | Society of Professional Engineers |
SPE | Society for Photographic Education |
SPE | Sigma Phi Epsilon |
SPE | Svenska Petroleum Exploration (Sweden) |
SPE | Serum Protein Electrophoresis |
SPE | Submassive Pulmonary Embolism |
SPE | Solid Polymer Electrolyte |
SPE | Software Performance Engineering |
SPE | Senior Procurement Executive |
SPE | Single Point of Entry |
SPE | Streptococcal Pyrogenic Exotoxin |
SPE | Service Processing Element (Cisco) |
SPE | Subgame Perfect Equilibrium (game theory) |
SPE | Solar Particle Event |
SPE | Solid Phase Epitaxy |
SPE | Societas Privata Europaea (Latin: European Private Company) |
SPE | Society of Plastics Engineers, Inc. |
SPE | Software Product Engineering |
SPE | Solar Proton Event |
SPE | Servicios Públicos de Empleo (Spanish) |
SPE | Supervisory Patent Examiner |
SPE | Special Purpose Equipment |
SPE | Sales Per Employee |
SPE | Symbolic Programming Environment |
SPE | Semiconductor Production Equipment |
SPE | Solid Particle Erosion |
SPE | Société Coopérative de Production d'Electricité (Belgium electric company) |
SPE | Software Product Evaluation |
SPE | Solid Phase Epitaxial Regrowth |
SPE | Sony Pictures Employment |
SPE | SIPRnet Premise Equipment |
SPE | Secondary Particulate Emissions |
SPE | SONET Payload Envelope |
SPE | Sumiju Plant Engineering (Japan) |
SPE | Sauber Petronas Engineering |
SPE | Society for Pure English |
SPE | subtracting pore effect |
SPE | Synergistic Processing Engine |
SPE | Satellite Precipitation Estimate |
SPE | Soy Phytoestrogen |
SPE | Small Program Enhancement (IBM) |
SPE | Supplier Performance Evaluation (various companies) |
SPE | Spacecraft Power Electronics |
SPE | Sciences Physiques pour l'Enseignement (French: Physics for Education) |
SPE | Sensor Processing Electronics |
SPE | Systems Performance Effectiveness |
SPE | Spherical Probable Error |
SPE | Services Protected Evacuation |
SPE | Swedish Penis Enlarger (Austin Powers) |
SPE | Stored Program Element (USAF SACCS 465L EDTCC) |
SPE | Software Product Expert |
SPE | Service Provisioning Environment |
SPE | Startup Phase Error |
SPE | Sulfur Polymer Encapsulation |
SPE | Systems Planning & Engineering |
SPE | Sum of Predicted Error |
SPE | Single Piston Effect (valve engineering) |
SPE | Service Platform Engineering |
SPE | South Pit Extension (Project; Australia) |