Acronym | Definition |
AEC | Australian Electoral Commission |
AEC | Architecture, Engineering and Construction |
AEC | Atomic Energy Commission (superseded by ERDA) |
AEC | Atmos Energy Corporation (Kentucky) |
AEC | ARS Electronica Center |
AEC | Alliance Entertainment Corporation (various locations) |
AEC | Automotive Electronics Council (vehicle standards) |
AEC | Audiovox Electronics Corporation (VOXX International Corporation) |
AEC | Arancel Externo Común (Spanish: Common External Tariff; various locations) |
AEC | ASEAN Economic Community |
AEC | Agile Expert Certified (course) |
AEC | Association des États des Caraïbes (French: Association of Caribbean States) |
AEC | Advanced Energy Conversion (Schenectady, NY) |
AEC | Ambulatory Emergency Care |
AEC | Animal Emergency Clinic (various locations) |
AEC | America East Conference (sports league) |
AEC | Automatic Exposure Control |
AEC | Absolute Eosinophil Count (blood) |
AEC | Annual Education Conference (various organizations) |
AEC | Architecture Engineering and Construction |
AEC | Authorized Education Center |
AEC | Architecture Electronic Creation |
AEC | Arbitrary Execution Control |
AEC | Advanced Engine Components |
AEC | Acoustic Echo Cancellation |
AEC | Acknowledgment Expiration Counter |
AEC | Automotive Engineering Company |
AEC | Advanced Event Correlation |
AEC | Address Enable Code |
AEC | Adaptive Error Compensation |
AEC | Army Environmental Center |
AEC | African Economic Community |
AEC | American Eventing Championships |
AEC | Atomic Energy Council (Taiwan) |
AEC | Attestation of College Studies (degree; Canada) |
AEC | Alabama Environmental Council (Birmingham, AL) |
AEC | Architectural Energy Corporation (Boulder, CO) |
AEC | American English Center (various locations) |
AEC | Army Environmental Command (US Army; formerly Army Environmental Center) |
AEC | Art Ensemble of Chicago |
AEC | Architect, Engineer and Construction (industry sector) |
AEC | Aluminum Extruders Council |
AEC | Account Expiration Control (Joomla) |
AEC | Applied Ergonomics Conference (annual conference) |
AEC | Architectural Engineering Consulting |
AEC | Association Executives Council |
AEC | Academic Enrichment Center (University of Delaware; Newark, DE) |
AEC | Aboriginal Education Centre (various locations) |
AEC | Association des Economistes Catholiques (French: Catholic Economists Association) |
AEC | Automatic Error Correction |
AEC | Assessment and Evaluation Commission (Sudan) |
AEC | Adult Education Committee (various organizations) |
AEC | Aquitaine Europe Communication (France) |
AEC | Alaskan Engineering Commission (1914-1923) |
AEC | Alberta Energy Company Ltd |
AEC | Army Evaluation Center (US Army; formerly EAC, Evaluation Analysis Center) |
AEC | Association Européenne de Coaching (French: European Coaching Association; EU) |
AEC | Acoustic Echo Control |
AEC | Advanced Electronics Company |
AEC | Archives of the Episcopal Church |
AEC | Atomic Energy Committee (Kazakhstan) |
AEC | All England Club |
AEC | Area of Environmental Concern |
AEC | Ankyloblepharon-Ectodermal Defects |
AEC | Address Element Correction (USPS) |
AEC | Asian Economic Community |
AEC | Association Executives Committee (various organizations) |
AEC | Acoustic Echo Canceler |
AEC | Auxiliary Emergency Comunications |
AEC | Accounting Education Center (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants) |
AEC | Alumni Executive Committee (various schools) |
AEC | Army Education Center |
AEC | Assemblée Européenne des Citoyens (French: Assembly of European Citizens) |
AEC | Alliant Energy Center (Madison, WI) |
AEC | Asahi Kasei Engineering Corporation (Japan) |
AEC | Association Européenne de Cyclosport (French: European Cyclosport Association) |
AEC | Arab Economic Council |
AEC | Alabama Electric Cooperative, Inc. (Andalusia, AL) |
AEC | Atelier d'Etudes Climatiques (French: Climate Studies Workshop) |
AEC | Association of Exhibition Contractors |
AEC | Asthma Education Centre (Canada) |
AEC | Annual Environmental Conference (various organizations) |
AEC | Australian Exhibitions and Conferences |
AEC | Avionics Engineering Center |
AEC | Adaptive Echo Cancellation |
AEC | Amino Ethyl-Carbazole |
AEC | Account Expiration Component (software) |
AEC | Advanced Error Correction (CDS) |
AEC | Association Européenne des Cheminots (French) |
AEC | Anglican Episcopal Church |
AEC | Associate Enforcement Counsels |
AEC | Automated Electronic Classroom |
AEC | Army Electronics Command |
AEC | Automatic Engine Control |
AEC | Association of Electric Cooperatives |
AEC | Associated Equipment Company, Ltd |
AEC | Alternative Energy Coalition |
AEC | Area Emergency Coordinator |
AEC | Acoustic Echo Controller |
AEC | Agency Emergency Coordinator |
AEC | Aeromedical Evacuation Crew (Air Force Instruction) |
AEC | Agency of Environmental Conservation |
AEC | Australian Environmental Council |
AEC | Automatic Exhaust Control |
AEC | Chief Aviation Electrician's Mate (Naval Rating) |
AEC | Acceptable Effluent Concentration |
AEC | Acoustic Echo Control Equipment |
AEC | Adult Earnings Change |
AEC | Agriculture Executive Council |
AEC | Assessment of Equipment Condition |
AEC | Analog Electronic Controls |
AEC | Arithmetic Element Controller |
AEC | Aegis Education Center |
AEC | Aft Equipment Compartment |
AEC | Aquatics Emergency Care (Award, Lifesaving Society of Canada) |
AEC | Anger Engineering Co. (Milwaukee, WI) |
AEC | Aerial Experimental Component |
AEC | Automatic Edge Control |
AEC | AFSCN Executive Council |
AEC | Allied Environmental Consultants Ltd (Hong Kong) |
AEC | Airborne Electronic Combat |
AEC | Area Equipment Compound |
AEC | Anno Emmanuelis Christi (Latin; epigraphy) |
AEC | Asociación Experimental Cafetalera (Experimental Coffee Association, Guatemala) |
AEC | Aviation Electronics Combat |
AEC | Alternate Equipment Custodian |
AEC | Anime Enthusiast Club |
AEC | Aide aux Enfants Cambodgiens (French: Help for Children in Cambodia) |
AEC | Agent-Environment Coordination |
AEC | Automatic Exciter Control |
AEC | Anglican Essentials Canada, Inc (Milton, ON, Canada) |
AEC | Atlas Educational Center |
AEC | Able Enrichment Centre (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada) |
AEC | Asian European Council (est. 1994) |
AEC | ARM (Atmospheric Radiation Measurement) Experiment Center (US Department of Energy) |
AEC | Advanced Environmental Corporation |