Acronym | Definition |
SLI | Scalable Link Interface |
SLI | Slider(s) |
SLI | Specific Language Impairment (developmental language disorder) |
SLI | Sri Lanka Insurance |
SLI | Soutien Logistique Intégré (French: Integrated Logistics Support) |
SLI | Split Level Interface |
SLI | Serial Lcd Interface |
SLI | Subscriber Line Interface |
SLI | System Level Integrator |
SLI | Slide File |
SLI | Scan Line Interleaved |
SLI | Shared Library Interposer |
SLI | Starting, Lighting and Ignition (automotive/batteries) |
SLI | Standard Life Investments |
SLI | Speech Language Impairment |
SLI | Solar Living Institute (est. 1998; Hopland, CA) |
SLI | Space Launch Initiative (NASA planning) |
SLI | State Labour Inspectorate (various locations) |
SLI | Supplementary Liability Insurance |
SLI | System-Level Integration |
SLI | Shipper's Letter of Instruction (shipping) |
SLI | Supplemental Life Insurance |
SLI | Sports Legacy Institute |
SLI | Sylvania Lighting International |
SLI | Speech and Language Impaired |
SLI | Società di Linguistica Italiana |
SLI | Software Lifecycle Integration |
SLI | Service-Learning Initiative (various locations) |
SLI | Spoken Language Interface (software) |
SLI | Somerset Light Infantry (British Army; 13th Regiment of Foot) |
SLI | Saint Lawrence Island (Alaska) |
SLI | Subscriber Line Interface (Siemens) |
SLI | Southwestern Louisiana Institute |
SLI | Sign Languages International (est. 1992) |
SLI | Session Level Interface |
SLI | somatostatin-like immunoreactivity |
SLI | Scottish Life International |
SLI | Sikh Light Infantry (India) |
SLI | Street Lamp Interference (SLIder) |
SLI | Science Laboratories Infrastructure |
SLI | Safe Load Indicator |
SLI | Sony Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (Japan) |
SLI | Solid Liquid Interface |
SLI | Spoken Language Impairment |
SLI | Service Logic Interpreter (ITS) |
SLI | Small and Large Intestine |
SLI | Strategic List Item |
SLI | Scuderia Lancia Intégrale (French car club) |
SLI | Success Likelihood Index |
SLI | Skinner Leadership Institute (Tracy’s Landing, MD) |
SLI | Scanline Interleave Mode (PC video card mode) |
SLI | Student Life Instructor |
SLI | Sunray Lighting Inc (Arvada, CO) |
SLI | Seminario de Linguistica Informatica (computational linguistics group) |
SLI | Suppress Length Indication |
SLI | Shelf Life Item |
SLI | survivorship life insurance |
SLI | Sodium Lauryl Isethionate |
SLI | Sandia Laboratory Instruction |
SLI | Starter Light Ignition |
SLI | Source Language Instruction (old IBM mainframes) |
SLI | Stark Line Intensity |
SLI | System Level Infrastructure |
SLI | Sherman Block Leadership Institute |