Acronym | Definition |
RSH | Remote Shell (TCP/IP WinSock command) |
RSH | Radio Shack (stock symbol) |
RSH | Republika e Shqiperise (Albanian: Republic of Albania) |
RSH | Remote Shell |
RSH | Radio Schleswig Holstein (German radio station) |
RSH | Royal Sporting House (est. 1969) |
RSH | Royal Society of Health (now Royal Society for Public Health; UK) |
RSH | Room Service Home (various locations) |
RSH | Royal South Hants (hospital; UK) |
RSH | Radiation, Science, and Health, Inc. |
RSH | Red Sea Housing Services (Saudi Arabia) |
RSH | Raging Speedhorn (band) |
RSH | risk-sharing hypothesis |
RSH | Red Shoulder Hawk |
RSH | Rollenschleppehebel (German: Roller Valve Finger, engine) |