Acronym | Definition |
SEMA | Specialty Equipment Market Association |
SEMA | State Emergency Management Agency |
SEMA | Specialty Equipment Manufacturers Association |
SEMA | Session Based Mobile Adhoc Network Architecture |
SEMA | Semaphorin |
SEMA | Société d'Encouragement aux Métiers d'Art (Society for the Promotion of Art Trades; France) |
SEMA | Special Electronic Mission Aircraft |
SEMA | Simple Electromagnetic Analysis (cryptography) |
SEMA | Storage Equipment Manufacturers Association |
SEMA | Software Engineering Measurement and Analysis (SEI) |
SEMA | Sharp Electronics Manufacturing Company of America, Inc. (San Diego, CA) |
SEMA | Station Engineering Management Aid |
SEMA | Southeastern Medieval Association |
SEMA | Senior Employment Medical Adviser (UK) |
SEMA | Session-based Mobile AdHoc Network Architecture (Yeditepe University) |
SEMA | Sociedad Erasmiana de Málaga (Spanish: Erasmus Society of Malaga; Malaga, Spain) |
SEMA | Synergie Entreprise Milieu d'Accueil (Belgium) |
SEMA | Situation-Execution Monitor Advisor |
SEMA | Systems Engineering & Management Associates, Incorporated |