Acronym | Definition |
RDL | Real Decreto Legislativo (Spanish: Royal Decree) |
RDL | Report Definition Language |
RDL | Real Decreto Ley (Spanish: Royal Decree Law) |
RDL | Radio Design Labs (professional audio manufacturing) |
RDL | Record Definition Language |
RDL | Remote Digital Loopback |
RDL | Required Delimiter |
RDL | Reusable Data Language |
RDL | Reference Data and Class Library |
RDL | Régie du Logement (French; Canadian housing authority) |
RDL | Refrigerated Display Lighting (commercial lighting) |
RDL | Reimer Digital Library (General Dennis J. Reimer Training and Doctrine Digital Library) |
RDL | Romanian Dead Lift (athletics) |
RDL | Remote Data Logging |
RDL | Rockefeller Drug Laws |
RDL | Radio Data Link |
RDL | Rational Drug List (medicines) |
RDL | Remote Desktop License (Microsoft) |
RDL | Reportable Detection Limit |
RDL | Respirator Decision Logic (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) |
RDL | Radio Dreyeckland Libre (German radio station) |
RDL | Riddell Sports, Inc. (stock symbol) |
RDL | Reliable Detection Limit |
RDL | Role Definition Language |
RDL | Rewrite and Decision procedure Laboratory |
RDL | Revenus Disponibles Localisés (French: Localized Available Income) |
RDL | Re-Distribution Layer |
RDL | Re-Useable Data Language |
RDL | Raleigh Dart League (North Carolina) |
RDL | Royal Drugs Limited (Nepal) |
RDL | Rapid Deployment Launcher |
RDL | Rythmes et Danses Lucéens (French dance school) |
RDL | Rail Dynamics Laboratory |
RDL | Radar Doesn't Lie |
RDL | Real Dirty Look (Marine slang) |
RDL | Réalisation et Diffusion de Logiciels (French: Production and Distribution Software) |