Acronym | Definition |
SDBA | Senior Data Base Administrator |
SDBA | Smart Data Base Access |
SDBA | Surrogate Data Base Administrator |
SDBA | Sql Data Base Administrator |
SDBA | Simple Data Base Abstraction Layer |
SDBA | Self-Directed Brokerage Account |
SDBA | Southwest Detroit Business Association |
SDBA | Singapore Dragon Boat Association |
SDBA | South Dakota Bankers Association |
SDBA | Southern Drag Boat Association |
SDBA | Société de Développement de la Baie Acadienne |
SDBA | Société de Développement de la Baie Acadienne (Canada) |
SDBA | South Dakota Broadcasters Association |
SDBA | Site de Bruno Alemanno |
SDBA | San Diego Book Arts |
SDBA | Simplified Discharge by Anticipation (duty relief scheme; EU) |
SDBA | South Dakota Bandmasters Association |
SDBA | South Dekalb Business Association |
SDBA | Southampton & District Badminton Association |
SDBA | Short Duration Breathing Apparatus |
SDBA | San Diego Booksellers Association |
SDBA | Super Dodge Ball Advance (game) |
SDBA | Sechelt Downtown Business Association |
SDBA | Swavesey and District Bridleway Association (UK) |
SDBA | Street, Drainage and Building Act |
SDBA | Surat District Bar Association (India) |
SDBA | Small and Disadvantaged Business Advisor |
SDBA | Senior Database Administrator |
SDBA | Smithills and District Bridleways Association |
SDBA | South Delta Basketball Association (Canada) |
SDBA | Structuring Data and Building Algorithms -- an ANSI-C Approach (book by I. Chai and J. D. White) |
SDBA | Supplementary Death Benefits Account (Canada) |
SDBA | Sistem Disket Borang A |
SDBA | San Diego Business Advisors |
SDBA | Summerside Downtown Business Association |
SDBA | Subdivision Development Board of Appeal |
SDBA | Surrogate Database Administrator |
SDBA | Service Départemental des Bases Aériennes |
SDBA | Sialkot District Bar Association (Pakistan) |
SDBA | Science Diet Breeder Association |
SDBA | Same Direction Backward Adaptation |
SDBA | South Dakota Braillist Association |
SDBA | South District Baptist Association (Kentucky) |
SDBA | Southend & District Badminton Association |
SDBA | Sodium Dodecylbenzenesulfonic Acid |
SDBA | San Diego Bowling Association |
SDBA | Skowhegan Downtown Business Association (Maine) |
SDBA | System Database Administration |