Acronym | Definition |
ACES | Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences |
ACES | Allegheny Crisis Emergency Services (Pennsylvania) |
ACES | Alabama Cooperative Extension System |
ACES | Association of Civil Engineering Students (Philippines) |
ACES | Aspen Center for Environmental Studies (Colorado) |
ACES | Access Certificates for Electronic Services |
ACES | American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 |
ACES | Australian Centre for Educational Studies |
ACES | Area Cooperative Educational Services (Connecticut) |
ACES | Arab Center for Engineering Studies (various locations) |
ACES | Army Continuing Education System (US Army) |
ACES | Association for Counselor Education and Supervision |
ACES | American Copy Editors Society |
ACES | Association for Children for Enforcement of Support |
ACES | Asia Cellular Satellite |
ACES | Army Corps of Engineers Seattle (Seattle, WA) |
ACES | Automated Commerce Employment System |
ACES | Alabama Cooperative Extension Service |
ACES | Aerolíneas Centrales de Colombia (Airline, Colombia) |
ACES | Architectures and Compilers for Embedded Systems (various organizations) |
ACES | All Children Exercising Simultaneously |
ACES | Accounting Enrichment Society |
ACES | Advanced Computer Engineering Services (various organizations) |
ACES | American College of Eye Surgeons |
ACES | Atomic Clock Ensemble in Space |
ACES | Aftermarket Catalog Enhanced Standard |
ACES | Adult and Community Education Service (UK) |
ACES | Adult Continuing Education Students (various organizations) |
ACES | Applied Computational Electromagnetic Society |
ACES | Army Center of Excellence, Subsistence |
ACES | Altus Cumulus Electrification Study |
ACES | Automated Client Eligibility System |
ACES | Automated Civil Engineering System |
ACES | N-2-Acetamido-2-Aminoethanesulfonic Acid |
ACES | Automated Civil Engineer System (USAF Civil Engineer squadrons) |
ACES | Advanced Concept Ejection Seat |
ACES | Airspace Concept Evaluation System |
ACES | Acoustic Containerless Experiment System |
ACES | Ada Compiler Evaluation System |
ACES | Automated Coastal Engineering System |
ACES | Agency Consolidated End-User Service (program; US NASA) |
ACES | American Consortium on EU Studies (Washington, DC) |
ACES | Aviation Cost Evaluation System (US Navy) |
ACES | Advanced Computerized Execution System (NASD) |
ACES | Arrow Continuation Experiments |
ACES | Automated Continuing Evaluation System (Department of Defense) |
ACES | Alliance for Children's Early Success (est. 2004) |
ACES | Automated Computer Examination System |
ACES | Alberta Clinical Engineering Society |
ACES | Automated Concurrent Engineering Software |
ACES | Automated Communications Engineering Software |
ACES | Adaptation Controlled Environment System |
ACES | Advanced Countermeasures Electronic System (defense product) |
ACES | Atlantic Congress of Engineering Students |
ACES | Automated Cargo Expediting System |
ACES | Administrative Corporate Education System |
ACES | Any Club Except Seattle (soccer fan group) |
ACES | Asian Commerce and Economics Studies Centre |
ACES | Anything Can Equal Success |
ACES | Airborne Collection Electronic Signals |
ACES | Anisotropic Crystalline Etching Simulation |
ACES | Access Control/Entry System |
ACES | Automated Command and Control Evaluation System |
ACES | Advanced Crew Escape System |
ACES | Air Combat Engagement Simulator |
ACES | Associated Computer Enthusiast Society (California) |
ACES | Adolescent Coping Education Series |
ACES | Activity Calendar and Event Scheduler (Georgia Civil Air Patrol) |
ACES | After Care Education for Students |
ACES | Agency Communication Exchange System (Ancor/AT&T) |
ACES | Air Cushion Enhanced Ship |
ACES | Automatic Control Electronic Switching |
ACES | Advanced Compact Earth Station (GTE Spacenet) |
ACES | Access Control and Environmental System |
ACES | Automated Cost Evaluation System (DoD) |
ACES | Army Communication Encryption System |
ACES | Aircraft Carrier Engineering Services |
ACES | Automatic Computer Equipment Specialist |
ACES | Army Consolidated Enterprise Solution |
ACES | Aerial Combat Engagement Simulator |
ACES | Accuracy Evaluation System |
ACES | Aircraft Carrier Engineering Study |
ACES | Active Capable Expandable Surveillance |
ACES | Annual Cycle Energy Storage System |
ACES | Automated C2 Evaluation System |
ACES | Army Communications Engineering Software (US Army) |
ACES | Army Casualty Estimation Study |
ACES | Access Control Enrollment Station |
ACES | Automatic Checkout & Evaluation System |
ACES | Adolescent Clinical Education Service |
ACES | Association of Chartered Estates Surveyors (UK) |