Acronym | Definition |
ANI | Automatic Number Identification |
ANI | Animation (file extension) |
ANI | Asian News International |
ANI | Am Not Interested |
ANI | Andaman and Nicobar Islands |
ANI | Agentia Nationala de Integritate (Romanian: National Integrity Agency) |
ANI | Accord National Interprofessionnel (French: National Interprofessional Agreement) |
ANI | Adjusted Net Income (finance) |
ANI | American Nuclear Insurers (Glastonbury, CT) |
ANI | Armenian National Institute |
ANI | Ambient Network Interface |
ANI | Animated Cursor |
ANI | and Immediate |
ANI | Audubon Nature Institute (New Orleans, LA) |
ANI | Access Network Interface |
ANI | Autism Network International |
ANI | Atkins Nutritionals, Inc. (Denver, CO) |
ANI | Adaptive Noise Immunity (Atheros wireless chipsets) |
ANI | All Natural Ingredients (band) |
ANI | Advanced Network Infrastructure |
ANI | American Nutrition, Inc. (various locations) |
ANI | Automatic Number Identifier |
ANI | Asahi Net International (Japan) |
ANI | Association Nationale des Iconographes (French: National Association of Iconographers) |
ANI | Aniak, AK, USA (Airport Code) |
ANI | Arial Narrow Italic (font) |
ANI | Avex Network, Inc. (Japan) |
ANI | African Networking Initiative (now Partnership for Information and Communication Technologies in Africa) |
ANI | Afrique et Nouvelles Interdépendances (French: Africa News and Interdependencies) |
ANI | Administrators' Noticeboard/Incidents (Wikimedia Foundation) |
ANI | Authorized Nuclear Inspector |
ANI | Animated Windows Cursor (Microsoft filename extension) |
ANI | Acute Nerve Irritation |
ANI | Actual Net Interchange |
ANI | Automated Name Index (California DMV vehicle registration lookup) |
ANI | American Nuclear Industries |
ANI | Assistant NATOPS Instructor (USMC) |
ANI | Anjuman Naujawanan-i-Islam (Pakistan) |
ANI | Association Nationale Ibn-Al-Awam |
ANI | Airborne Network Integration |
ANI | Atmosphere Normale Internationale |
ANI | Agence de Nettoyage Industriel (French: Industrial Cleaning Agency) |