ANIAutomatic Number Identification
ANIAnimation (file extension)
ANIAsian News International
ANIAm Not Interested
ANIAndaman and Nicobar Islands
ANIAgentia Nationala de Integritate (Romanian: National Integrity Agency)
ANIAccord National Interprofessionnel (French: National Interprofessional Agreement)
ANIAdjusted Net Income (finance)
ANIAmerican Nuclear Insurers (Glastonbury, CT)
ANIArmenian National Institute
ANIAmbient Network Interface
ANIAnimated Cursor
ANIand Immediate
ANIAudubon Nature Institute (New Orleans, LA)
ANIAccess Network Interface
ANIAutism Network International
ANIAtkins Nutritionals, Inc. (Denver, CO)
ANIAdaptive Noise Immunity (Atheros wireless chipsets)
ANIAll Natural Ingredients (band)
ANIAdvanced Network Infrastructure
ANIAmerican Nutrition, Inc. (various locations)
ANIAutomatic Number Identifier
ANIAsahi Net International (Japan)
ANIAssociation Nationale des Iconographes (French: National Association of Iconographers)
ANIAniak, AK, USA (Airport Code)
ANIArial Narrow Italic (font)
ANIAvex Network, Inc. (Japan)
ANIAfrican Networking Initiative (now Partnership for Information and Communication Technologies in Africa)
ANIAfrique et Nouvelles Interdépendances (French: Africa News and Interdependencies)
ANIAdministrators' Noticeboard/Incidents (Wikimedia Foundation)
ANIAuthorized Nuclear Inspector
ANIAnimated Windows Cursor (Microsoft filename extension)
ANIAcute Nerve Irritation
ANIActual Net Interchange
ANIAutomated Name Index (California DMV vehicle registration lookup)
ANIAmerican Nuclear Industries
ANIAssistant NATOPS Instructor (USMC)
ANIAnjuman Naujawanan-i-Islam (Pakistan)
ANIAssociation Nationale Ibn-Al-Awam
ANIAirborne Network Integration
ANIAtmosphere Normale Internationale
ANIAgence de Nettoyage Industriel (French: Industrial Cleaning Agency)