T&ATime & Attendance
T&ATits and Ass
T&ATime & Action (product management)
T&ATelegraph and Argus (UK newspaper)
T&ATravel & Accommodation
T&ATechnology & Architecture
T&ATonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy
T&ATraining & Application
T&ATest and Adjust
T&ATurnbull & Asser (clothiers)
T&ATest & Acceptance
T&ATest and Albert (pro wrestlers)
T&ATanimura and Antle (produce distributor)
T&ATerry and Alex (acoustic duo)
T&ATrending and Analysis
T&ATardiness & Absenteeism
T&ATargets & Achievements (various organizations)
T&ATrenntechnik & Anlagenbau GmbH (Germany)
T&ATextiles & Apparels
T&ATaps & Accents (drumming)