Acronym | Definition |
TRA | Transition |
TRA | Training |
TRA | Transfer |
TRA | Tracy (Amtrak station code; Tracy, CA) |
TRA | Theory of Reasoned Action |
TRA | Telecommunications Regulatory Authority |
TRA | The Real Adventure |
TRA | Tax Reform Act (1976, 1984, or 1986) |
TRA | Threat and Risk Assessment |
TRA | Technology Readiness Assessment |
TRA | Tax Rate Area (California) |
TRA | Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 |
TRA | Tennessee Regulatory Authority |
TRA | Tumor Rejection Antigen |
TRA | Tire and Rim Association |
TRA | The Rebel Alliance (gaming clan) |
TRA | Tenants and Residents Association (various organizations) |
TRA | Texas Restaurant Association (Austin, TX) |
TRA | Transaction Architecture |
TRA | Token Ring Adapter |
TRA | Trinity River Authority |
TRA | Total Risk Assessment |
TRA | Teachers Retirement Association |
TRA | Trade Readjustment Allowance |
TRA | Tanzania Revenue Authority |
TRA | Taiwan Relations Act (US domestic law) |
TRA | Toy Retailers Association (UK) |
TRA | Training Requirements Analysis |
TRA | Theodore Roosevelt Association |
TRA | Taiwan Railway Administration |
TRA | The Rotten Apple |
TRA | Test Reactor Area |
TRA | Tripoli Rocketry Association |
TRA | Time-Reversal Acoustics |
TRA | Technical Reference Architecture |
TRA | Token-Ring Adapter (hardware) |
TRA | Terrorism Risk Assessment |
TRA | Telecommunications Resellers Association |
TRA | Teaching Respect for All (various organizations) |
TRA | The Riding Academy (Menifee, CA) |
TRA | Telecommunications Research Associates |
TRA | Total Return Analysis (finance) |
TRA | Tierce Recette Applicative (French: Third Application Acceptance; software testing stage) |
TRA | Telecommunications Reform Act of 1996 |
TRA | Training Readiness Authority (US DoD) |
TRA | Texas Rehabilitation Association (Sugar Land, TX) |
TRA | Thomson Research Associates (Canada) |
TRA | Transceiver Assembly (wireless) |
TRA | Temporary Reserved Airspace |
TRA | Tratamiento de Reproducción Asistida (Spanish: Assisted Reproductive Treatment) |
TRA | Team Roping Association |
TRA | Top Riser Assembly (energy production) |
TRA | Traffic Routing Administration |
TRA | The Reciprocal Alliance |
TRA | Technical Requirement Analysis |
TRA | Task Risk Assessment |
TRA | Temporary Restricted Area |
TRA | Technology Related Anger |
TRA | Total Renin Activity |
TRA | Throttle Resolver Angle |
TRA | Trachoma Rapid Assessment |
TRA | Torhoutse Radio Amateurs (Oostkamp, Belgium) |
TRA | Thrust Reduction Altitude (aviation) |
TRA | Towers Residence Association (Iowa State University dorm association) |
TRA | Tactical Response Academy (Salem, OR) |
TRA | Tapered Rod Antenna |
TRA | Tiruvannamalai Ramana Ashram (India) |
TRA | Total Rate of Return Analytic |
TRA | Thin Rod Approximation |
TRA | Trouble Report Automation (Sprint PCS) |
TRA | Transverse Ray Aberration |
TRA | Time Reporting Assistance (Sprint) |