Acronym | Definition |
TAMI | Technology, Advertising, Media, and Information |
TAMI | Taiwan Association of Machinery Industry |
TAMI | Total Audience Measurement Index |
TAMI | Thrombolysis and Angioplasty in Myocardial Infarction |
TAMI | Talking About Mental Illness (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health; Canada) |
TAMI | Teen Age Music International (concert film) |
TAMI | Tax Advantage Mortgage Insurance (Countrywide Home Loans, USA) |
TAMI | Tasa Anual Media de Incremento (Spanish: Average Annual Growth Rate) |
TAMI | Target Audience Management Inc. (Beeton, Ontario, Canada) |
TAMI | Tanks and Mechanized Infantry |
TAMI | Test Accessibility and Modification Inventory (trademark of Vanderbilt University) |