DBFDatabase (file name extension)
DBFDivorced Black Female (personal ads)
DBFDélégation des Barreaux de France (French: Delegation of the Bars of France; law association)
DBFDanmarks Badminton Forbund (Denmark)
DBFDigital Beam-Forming
DBFDragon Boat Festival (festival; various locations)
DBFDouble Byte Font
DBFDigital Beam Forming
DBFData Base File
DBFData Base Format
DBFDestroyed by Fire
DBFDBase and FoxPro (software)
DBFDispute Board Federation
DBFDiocesan Board of Finance (UK)
DBFDesign/Build/Fly (college aircraft competition; American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
DBFDecibel (referenced to 1 femtowatt)
DBFDivision of Bond Finance
DBFDestockage Bruce Field (French clothing company)
DBFDefined Benefit Fund (various organizations)
DBFDeep Blues Festival
DBFDedicated Biotechnology Firm
DBFDallas Bar Foundation (Dallas, TX)
DBFDiesel Boats Forever
DBFDensified Biomass Fuel
DBFDistributed Bellman-Ford (routing scheme)
DBFDenis Bassez Fermetures (French: Denis Bassez Closures)
DBFDynamic Beam Forming
DBFDear Boy Friend
DBFDesign Basis Fire(s)
DBFDibenzofulvene (chemistry)
DBFDesign Basis Fault
DBFDrude-Born-Federov (form of constitutive equations)
DBFDanish Beekeepers Federation
DBFDouglas B Foote Ltd (Mairangi Bay, Auckland, New Zealand)