CIGACalifornia Insurance Guarantee Association
CIGACavity Insulation Guarantee Agency (Bedfordshire, UK)
CIGACertified Inspector General Auditor
CIGACalifornia Independent Grocers Association (Sacramento, CA)
CIGAConnecticut Insurance Guaranty Association
CIGACongress for Intragalactic Accord (science fiction)
CIGACentral Illinois Geocaching Association (Normal, Illinois)
CIGAComrades in Golden Arms (Jim Sinclair's Mineset website)
CIGACompagnia Italiana Dei Grandi Alberghi (Italian Company of Grand Hotels, Italy)
CIGACentral Illinois Greyhound Adoption
CIGACompanion of the International Guild of Artists (UK)
CIGAConstrained Integrated Grooming Method
CIGACommercial and Inherently Governmental Activities (US Army)
CIGAChoate International and Global Assistance (Choate Rosemary Hall; Wallingford, CT)