Acronym | Definition |
BRF | Brasil Foods (Brazilian distribution company) |
BRF | Bible Reading Fellowship (various locations) |
BRF | Bois Raméal Fragmenté (French: Ramial Chipped Wood Fragments) |
BRF | Business Rule Framework (software) |
BRF | Black River Falls (Wisconsin) |
BRF | Bitchy Resting Face |
BRF | Benchmark Report Format |
BRF | Bioinformatics Resource Facility |
BRF | Broadband Firewall |
BRF | Belgischer Rundfunk (German: Belgian Broadcasting) |
BRF | Babatunde Raji Fashola (state governor; Lagos, Nigeria) |
BRF | Birefringent Filter (lasers) |
BRF | Brigade Reconnaissance Force (Elite unit within the United Kingdom Royal Marines) |
BRF | Big Red Flag |
BRF | Best Response Function (game theory) |
BRF | Band-Reject Filter |
BRF | Brethren Revival Fellowship (concern movement within the Church of the Brethren) |
BRF | Braille Ready Format (digital documents) |
BRF | Bridge Relay Function |
BRF | Bharat Rakshak Forum (India) |
BRF | Benchmark Reporting Format |
BRF | Basic Risk Factor |
BRF | Build, Roleplay, and Fight (gaming) |
BRF | Besoin En Fonds de Roulement (French: Working Capital Requirements) |
BRF | Business Regulation Forum (Europe) |
BRF | Brown Rice Flour (mycology, a growing substrate) |
BRF | Bid Request Form |
BRF | Big Round Filter (Imperial Systems, Inc.) |
BRF | Brain Research Foundation |
BRF | Biological Research Facility (various locations) |
BRF | Best Replacement Factor |
BRF | Below Rig Floor (Drilling Industry) |
BRF | Base Revision File |
BRF | Béton Renforcé de Fibres (French: Fiber-Reinforced Concrete) |
BRF | Bendix Radio Foundation (Baltimore, MD) |