Acronym | Definition |
CJF | Calculation Job File |
CJF | Client J Framework |
CJF | Central Java Fault |
CJF | Certified Journeyman Farrier (American Farriers Association) |
CJF | Copenhagen Jazz Festival (Copenhagen, Denmark) |
CJF | Cercle Jules Ferry (French sports club) |
CJF | Council of Jewish Federations |
CJF | Chantiers de la Jeunesse Française (French youth camps) |
CJF | Clan Jade Falcon (gaming clan) |
CJF | Club des Jeunes Financiers (French: Young Financial Club) |
CJF | Cabinet Juridique et Fiscal (French: Legal and Tax Office) |
CJF | Coherent Joint Fires |
CJF | Crail-Johnson Foundation (San Pedro, CA) |
CJF | Channel Journal File |
CJF | Clearjet Filter |
CJF | Cape Jewellery Fair (South Africa) |