CMEPCM (Carl Marks) Equity Partners
CMEPChurches for Middle East Peace
CMEPCritical Mass Energy Project
CMEPCaisse de Maladie des Employés Privés (French)
CMEPColumbus Midrange Engine Plant (Indiana)
CMEPCummins Midrange Engine Plant (Indiana)
CMEPCentre for Marine Environmental Prediction (Canada)
CMEPComité Mixte d'Evaluation et de Prospective (French)
CMEPChild Medical Evaluation Program
CMEPClimate Model Evaluation Project
CMEPCentre for Middle Eastern Plants (Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh; UK)
CMEPCompliance Monitoring and Enforcement Process
CMEPCenter for Multicultural Education and Programs (New York University)
CMEPCivil Military Emergency Preparedness
CMEPCalifornia Metering Exchange Protocol
CMEPCentre for Medical Ethics and Professionalism (Singapore)
CMEPCentro Municipal de Estudos Preparatórios (Portugese)
CMEPChild Medi-Cal Enrollment Project (Los Angeles, California)
CMEPCoalition of Mainstream Employment Programs
CMEPContinuing Medical Education Plan
CMEPCommission for the Modernization of Public Enterprises (Haiti)
CMEPCommunity Mobilization & Empowerment Project
CMEPChange Management Effectiveness Profile
CMEPClass Maintenance Employment Profile
CMEPCommandable Manual Entry Panel (US military)
CMEPCommunity Mediation Extension Program
CMEPComprehensive Medical Expense Plan
CMEPCoupled Model Ensemble Prediction
CMEPCuprex Metal Extraction Process
CMEPCost Management for Engineering Projects