CSCPCertified Supply Chain Professional (APICS)
CSCPCommercial Satellite Communication Program
CSCPCollaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (UNEP/Wuppertal Institute)
CSCPCambridge School Classics Project
CSCPCanadian Society for Clinical Pharmacology
CSCPCertified Securities Compliance Professional
CSCPComprehensive Structured Context Profiles
CSCPCompendium of Self-Care Products
CSCPCertified Sales Compensation Professional (World at Work Society of Certified Professionals)
CSCPComputer Switching Control Panel(s)
CSCPCertified Security Career Professionals (LinkedIn group)
CSCPCorrugated Steel Culvert Pipe (engineering)
CSCPCabin Service Control Panel (Boeing 777)
CSCPCommander's Sight Control Panel (control panel for the Bradley commander's sight system)
CSCPCertified Spiritual Care Practitioner (Canadian Association for Spiritual Care)