Acronym | Definition |
ELSA | European Law Students' Association |
ELSA | Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects |
ELSA | Electrical Safety (conference) |
ELSA | English Language Skills Assessment |
ELSA | Employment, Labour and Social Affairs (various organizations) |
ELSA | Earth and Life Systems Alliance (UK) |
ELSA | European Laboratory for Structural Assessment |
ELSA | European League of Stuttering Associations |
ELSA | English Longitudinal Study of Aging |
ELSA | English Language Services for Adults |
ELSA | Electron Stretcher and Accelerator (Physics Institute, Bonn University) |
ELSA | Electronic Library Services and Applications |
ELSA | Estes Land Stewardship Association (Estes Park, CO, USA) |
ELSA | Emergency Level Scale Assessment |
ELSA | Ewing-Lawrence Sewage Authority (Lawrenceville, NJ) |
ELSA | Endoluminal Laser System Ablation |
ELSA | Empirically Lossless Switch Architecture |
ELSA | Economic Research and Financial Analysis |
ELSA | Expedition Leadership Style Analysis (inventory) |