ELSAEuropean Law Students' Association
ELSAEthical, Legal and Social Aspects
ELSAElectrical Safety (conference)
ELSAEnglish Language Skills Assessment
ELSAEmployment, Labour and Social Affairs (various organizations)
ELSAEarth and Life Systems Alliance (UK)
ELSAEuropean Laboratory for Structural Assessment
ELSAEuropean League of Stuttering Associations
ELSAEnglish Longitudinal Study of Aging
ELSAEnglish Language Services for Adults
ELSAElectron Stretcher and Accelerator (Physics Institute, Bonn University)
ELSAElectronic Library Services and Applications
ELSAEstes Land Stewardship Association (Estes Park, CO, USA)
ELSAEmergency Level Scale Assessment
ELSAEwing-Lawrence Sewage Authority (Lawrenceville, NJ)
ELSAEndoluminal Laser System Ablation
ELSAEmpirically Lossless Switch Architecture
ELSAEconomic Research and Financial Analysis
ELSAExpedition Leadership Style Analysis (inventory)