Acronym | Definition |
FCFA | Fédération des Communautés Francophones et Acadienne (Canada) |
FCFA | Future Climate for Africa (Cape Town, South Africa) |
FCFA | Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act |
FCFA | Federació Catalana de Futbol Americà (Catalan: Catalan Federation of American Football; Barcelona, Spain) |
FCFA | Franc Communauté Financière Africaine |
FCFA | Foreign Currency Fluctuation Account |
FCFA | Free and Clear Foundations of America, Inc. |
FCFA | Friends of the Center for the Arts |
FCFA | Free Cash Flow, Annual |
FCFA | Fellow Cookery Food Association |
FCFA | fuel cladding failure accident |
FCFA | Florida Communications Fraud Act |