Acronym | Definition |
FCM | Flow Cytometry |
FCM | Federation of Canadian Municipalities |
FCM | Futures Commission Merchant |
FCM | Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas (Medical Sciences Faculty, Lisbon, Portugal) |
FCM | Football Club Mantois (French football club) |
FCM | Fuzzy Cognitive Map |
FCM | Food Contact Material (food safety; various locations) |
FCM | First-Class Mail |
FCM | Fréquence Cardiaque Maximale (French: Maximum Heart Rate) |
FCM | Full Circle Magazine (est. 2007) |
FCM | Fat-Corrected Milk |
FCM | Financial Center Manager |
FCM | Football Club de Martigues (French football club) |
FCM | Forward Compression |
FCM | Functional Component Module |
FCM | Flow Control Machining |
FCM | Flip Chip Mounter |
FCM | Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping |
FCM | Flip Chip Module |
FCM | Fabric Control Module |
FCM | Flow Control Module |
FCM | Fast Communication Manager |
FCM | Flow Control Management |
FCM | Few Chip Modules |
FCM | Fonds pour la Création Musicale (French: Musical Creation Fund) |
FCM | Football Club de Mulhouse (French football club) |
FCM | Failover Cluster Manager (Microsoft Windows) |
FCM | Field Case Management |
FCM | Field-Cooled Magnetization |
FCM | Freiberger Compound Materials (Germany) |
FCM | Fracture Critical Member |
FCM | Faith Church Ministries (various locations) |
FCM | Friends of Cathedral Music (est. 1956) |
FCM | Florida Citrus Mutual |
FCM | Fawning Corporate Media |
FCM | Family Case Manager |
FCM | Forex Capital Market (also seen as FXCM) |
FCM | Fellowship of Christian Magicians |
FCM | Foster Care Maintenance (various locations) |
FCM | Food Chain Model |
FCM | Fibre Channel Module |
FCM | Financial Controls Management |
FCM | Fluorescent Confocal Microscopy (biomedical research) |
FCM | Frank Crawford Martin (Miami, FL public school) |
FCM | Funky Cold Medina (song) |
FCM | Fuel Cell Markets (UK) |
FCM | Funds Control Module (Army) |
FCM | Finances et Conseil Méditerranée (French: Finances and Mediterranean Council) |
FCM | Firsthand Capital Management (est. 1994; Providence, RI) |
FCM | Fuel Containing Mass (NPP Accident) |
FCM | First Trust/Four Corners Senior Floating Rate Income Fund (stock symbol) |
FCM | Federation of Christian Ministries |
FCM | Federal Communications Manager (US FEMA) |
FCM | Football Club Massy (French football club) |
FCM | Festival Chamber Music (New York, NY) |
FCM | Faculty of Commerce and Management (University of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania) |
FCM | Froid Climatisation Melgorienne (French refrigeration company) |
FCM | Finance Center Muenster (Muenster, Germany) |
FCM | Fixed Content Management (software) |
FCM | Frequency Controlled Motor |
FCM | Financial Capital Maintenance |
FCM | Facilitated Compliance Management |
FCM | Flash Cache Module (internal computer flash drive) |
FCM | Food Chain Multiplier |
FCM | Foreign Consequence Management |
FCM | Fellowship of Christian Motorcyclists |
FCM | Fast Component Mounter (Philips) |
FCM | Field Control Module |
FCM | Football Club Midtjylland (Danish soccer team) |
FCM | Frame Code Mode |
FCM | Faithful Companion Memorials (Royal Oak, MI) |
FCM | Future Capability Mission |
FCM | Fire Control Measure |
FCM | Full-Cost Move |
FCM | Focused Conversation Method |
FCM | Fuzzy Cluster Means |
FCM | Ferrocarril Mexicano Railroad |
FCM | FLIR Characterization Module |
FCM | Frequent Caller Minute |
FCM | Fussball Club Münchwilen (Swiss soccer club) |
FCM | Flying Course Manager (US Air Force) |
FCM | Fast Concept Modeller |