IGFInsulin-like Growth Factor
IGFInternet Governance Forum (Geneva, Switzerland)
IGFIndependent Games Festival
IGFIdentity Governance Framework (Oracle, CA, HP, Novell, Sun and others)
IGFInternational Golf Federation
IGFGlobal Infrastructure Index Fund
IGFIBM Global Financing
IGFInstitute of Geophysics
IGFInstitute of Geophysics (Polish Academy of Sciences)
IGFInstitut de Génomique Fonctionnelle (France)
IGFIndependent Gay Forum
IGFInternational Gymnastics Federation
IGFInternational Genetics Federation
IGFInoki Genome Federation (professional wrestling promotion in Japan)
IGFInduced Gas Flotation
IGFInternational Gateway Facility
IGFInternational Garden Festival
IGFInternational Gatka Federation
IGFIndependent Growth Finance Ltd
IGFInset Graphics Format
IGFInspector General of Fortifications
IGFInherently Governmental Functions
IGFIrreducible Green Function
IGFIndigent Gentlewomen's Fund (UK)
IGFInternational Grating and Flanges, Inc.
IGFInternational Guitar Foundation and Festival (UK)