GCDGreatest Common Divisor
GCDGrand Central Dispatch (Apple technology)
GCDGriffith College Dublin (Dublin, Ireland)
GCDGreatest Common Denominator
GCDGame Compact Disc
GCDGroup Creative Director (various organizations)
GCDGrand Comic-Book Database
GCDgroundwater conservation district
GCDGlobal Cooldown (gaming)
GCDGestionnaire du Commerce de Détail (French: Retail Trade Manager; Switzerland)
GCDGrand Coulee Dam
GCDGeneral Commercial District (various locations)
GCDGulf Coast Division (Orange, TX)
GCDGas Chromatography Distillation
GCDGestion des Clients de la Douane (French: Management of Customs Clients; Switzerland)
GCDGlen Canyon Dam
GCDGeneral and Complete Disarmament
GCDGeneral Conformity Determination
GCDGold Coast Desalination (plant)
GCDGlobal Clinical Development
GCDGreater Confinement Disposal (waste management)
GCDGenome Cluster Database (sequence family analysis platform)
GCDGlobal Communication Devices
GCDGaia Community Discussion
GCDGuild of Catholic Doctors
GCDGlobal Clan Directory (gaming)
GCDGenetic Chromosome Dissection
GCDGlobal Connectivity Demonstration
GCDGoals of Care Designation
GCDGeneral Defense Position/Plan
GCDGlass Cutting Device
GCDGenerator Control Display
GCDGlobal Column Decoder (computer memory)