Acronym | Definition |
GCD | Greatest Common Divisor |
GCD | Grand Central Dispatch (Apple technology) |
GCD | Griffith College Dublin (Dublin, Ireland) |
GCD | Greatest Common Denominator |
GCD | Game Compact Disc |
GCD | Group Creative Director (various organizations) |
GCD | Grand Comic-Book Database |
GCD | groundwater conservation district |
GCD | Global Cooldown (gaming) |
GCD | Gestionnaire du Commerce de Détail (French: Retail Trade Manager; Switzerland) |
GCD | Grand Coulee Dam |
GCD | General Commercial District (various locations) |
GCD | Gulf Coast Division (Orange, TX) |
GCD | Gas Chromatography Distillation |
GCD | Gestion des Clients de la Douane (French: Management of Customs Clients; Switzerland) |
GCD | Glen Canyon Dam |
GCD | General and Complete Disarmament |
GCD | General Conformity Determination |
GCD | Gold Coast Desalination (plant) |
GCD | Global Clinical Development |
GCD | Greater Confinement Disposal (waste management) |
GCD | Genome Cluster Database (sequence family analysis platform) |
GCD | Global Communication Devices |
GCD | Gaia Community Discussion |
GCD | Guild of Catholic Doctors |
GCD | Global Clan Directory (gaming) |
GCD | Genetic Chromosome Dissection |
GCD | Global Connectivity Demonstration |
GCD | Goals of Care Designation |
GCD | General Defense Position/Plan |
GCD | Glass Cutting Device |
GCD | Generator Control Display |
GCD | Global Column Decoder (computer memory) |