GASFGolden Arrow Selected Stock Fund
GASFGeorgian Automobile Sport Federation
GASFGroupement des Amis des Abeilles du Val de Seine et de la Forêt de Fontainebleau (French: Group of Friends of the Bees Val de Seine and the Forest of Fontainebleau)
GASFGadolinium-Associated Systemic Fibrosis
GASFGreat American Station Foundation
GASFGeorgia Archaeological Site File (University of Georgia; Athens, GA)
GASFGraphic Arts Sales Foundation
GASFGreat American Sports Fans
GASFGump and Ayers Scholarship Fund (single mothers)
GASFGumptionFest Artistic Support Foundation (Sedona, AZ)
GASFGroupe de Gymnastique Artistique du Sud Fribourgeois (French: Group Artistic Gymnastics South Fribourgeois; Switzerland)