IRBInternal Revenue Bulletin (Internal Revenue Service)
IRBInternational Rugby Board
IRBInstitutional Review Board
IRBImmigration and Refugee Board (Canadian immigration)
IRBInternal Ratings Based (banking; risk management)
IRBInstitute for Research in Biomedicine
IRBInstitut Rudjer Boskovic (Croatian research institute)
IRBInternal Review Board
IRBIndustrial Revenue Bond
IRBIntegrated Routing and Bridging
IRBInstitut de Recherché en Biotechnologie (French)
IRBInterrupt Response Block
IRBInterrupt Redirection Bitmap
IRBInternational Review Board
IRBInternet Routing and Bridging
IRBInter Repeater Backplane
IRBInternal Ratings Based
IRBIron Reducing Bacteria
IRBIrish Republican Brotherhood
IRBIndian Rocks Beach (Florida)
IRBIndependent Review Board
IRBInvestment Review Board
IRBIndustrial Robot
IRBInteractive Ruby Shell (programming)
IRBIron-Related Bacteria
IRBInformation Reader Box (Department of Health; UK)
IRBIndustrial and Regional Benefits (Canada)
IRBInshore Rescue Boat
IRBIndustrial Regional Benefits
IRBIndividual Record(s) Brief
IRBInformation Resources Board (US FEMA)
IRBImproved Ribbon Bridge
IRBIntel Research Berkeley (UC Berkeley)
IRBIndustrial Relations Board
IRBInternational Register on Biosafety
IRBInfrared Brazing
IRBIndian Reserved Battalion
IRBIndependent Research Board
IRBIncome Replacement Benefit (Ontario Accident Benefits Schedule)
IRBI Are Back
IRBInternal Review Budget
IRBIncident Report Book (police)
IRBInterruption Request Block
IRBInternet Renaissance Band
IRBIndustrial Relations Bulletin
IRBInfrastructure Review Board
IRBInitial Review Board
IRBInspection Review Board
IRBInflatible Rescue Boat
IRBInspection Requirements Branch (US Navy)
IRBIron Rotating Band
IRBInner Radiation Belt
IRBInstitutional Review Branch (various organizations)
IRBIndustrial Readjustment Branch
IRBInterest Buy-Down
IRBInstrumentation/Relay Board
IRBInducto-Ratio Bridge
IRBImproved Rotor Blade
IRBImpulse Resistance Bridge
IRBIrregular Route Motor Carriers Bureau
IRBIntelligence Review Board
IRBInternationally Recognized Border
IRBIrregular Billing