ISCSIntegrated Secure Communications System
ISCSInformation Security Consulting Services (Versatile Solutions Ltd.)
ISCSIntegrated Supply Chain Solutions (various locations)
ISCSInternational Symposium on Compound Semiconductors
ISCSInternational Symposium on Circuits and Systems (IEEE)
ISCSInternational Solar Cycle Studies (study group for solar variability, climate, and space weather)
ISCSInternational Satellite Communications System
ISCSIncome Support Computer System (UK Benefits Agency)
ISCSInterval Specific Congenic Strains
ISCSInternational Sand Collectors Society
ISCSIntegrated Sensor Control System
ISCSIntegrated Submarine Communications System
ISCSIntegrated Satellite Control System (US Navy MILSATCOM)
ISCSImproved Saturn Communication System (military avionics)
ISCSIntegrated Shipboard Communications System
ISCSIntelligent Supply Chain Services (VeriSign)