Acronym | Definition |
LACE | Length of Stay, Accuity, Comorbidities, ER (Emergency Room) Visits (hospital index) |
LACE | Looked After Children Education (UK) |
LACE | LWR (Light Water Reactor) Aerosol Containment Experiment |
LACE | Language and Cultural Exchange (various locations) |
LACE | Licensure, Accreditation, Certification, and Education (nursing) |
LACE | Listening and Communication Enhancement |
LACE | Liquid Air Cycle Engine |
LACE | Low-Power Atmospheric Compensation Experiment |
LACE | Lunar Atmospheric Composition Experiment |
LACE | Length-Based ASCII Compatible Encoding |
LACE | Listening and Auditory Communication Enhancement |
LACE | Laser-Assisted Chemical Etching |
LACE | Laws and Customs of the Eldar (JRR Tolkien essay) |
LACE | Local Automatic-Circuit Exchange |
LACE | LAC Electronics |
LACE | Life After Cancer Epidemiology study |
LACE | Laser Atmospheric Compensation Experiment |
LACE | Laboratorio di Antenne e Compatibilità Elettromagnetica (Italian: Laboratory of Antennas and Electromagnetic Compatibility) |
LACE | Laser Atmospheric Communications Equipment |
LACE | Lindenberger Aerosol Characterization Experiment |
LACE | Laboratory for Assisted Cognition Environments |
LACE | Locally Adaptive Contrast Enhancement (medical imaging) |
LACE | Location Ammunition Casualties and Equipment |
LACE | Liquid (water), Ammunition on hand, Casualties (friendly only), essential Equipment (military radio call for status of) |
LACE | Licensed Agent's Clerical Employee |
LACE | Low-Altitude Control Enhancements |
LACE | Laser Communication Experiment |
LACE | Lectin Affinity Capillary Electrophoresis |