LACELength of Stay, Accuity, Comorbidities, ER (Emergency Room) Visits (hospital index)
LACELooked After Children Education (UK)
LACELWR (Light Water Reactor) Aerosol Containment Experiment
LACELanguage and Cultural Exchange (various locations)
LACELicensure, Accreditation, Certification, and Education (nursing)
LACEListening and Communication Enhancement
LACELiquid Air Cycle Engine
LACELow-Power Atmospheric Compensation Experiment
LACELunar Atmospheric Composition Experiment
LACELength-Based ASCII Compatible Encoding
LACEListening and Auditory Communication Enhancement
LACELaser-Assisted Chemical Etching
LACELaws and Customs of the Eldar (JRR Tolkien essay)
LACELocal Automatic-Circuit Exchange
LACELAC Electronics
LACELife After Cancer Epidemiology study
LACELaser Atmospheric Compensation Experiment
LACELaboratorio di Antenne e Compatibilità Elettromagnetica (Italian: Laboratory of Antennas and Electromagnetic Compatibility)
LACELaser Atmospheric Communications Equipment
LACELindenberger Aerosol Characterization Experiment
LACELaboratory for Assisted Cognition Environments
LACELocally Adaptive Contrast Enhancement (medical imaging)
LACELocation Ammunition Casualties and Equipment
LACELiquid (water), Ammunition on hand, Casualties (friendly only), essential Equipment (military radio call for status of)
LACELicensed Agent's Clerical Employee
LACELow-Altitude Control Enhancements
LACELaser Communication Experiment
LACELectin Affinity Capillary Electrophoresis