IBGInstitute of British Geographers
IBGInterbank GIRO (General Interbank Recurring Order)
IBGInteractive Brokers Group (Greenwich, CT)
IBGInformatie Beheer Groep (Netherlands)
IBGIsland Bar & Grill (various locations)
IBGInternational Business Group (South Africa)
IBGInter Block Gap
IBGInternational Biometric Group
IBGIndia Business Group (est. 1999)
IBGInterblock Gap
IBGInsurance Backed Guarantee
IBGInertia Beverage Group
IBGInter-Block Gap
IBGInternational Board of Governors (various organizations)
IBGInternationale Begegnung in Gemeinschaftsdiensten eV
IBGIndependent Brokers Group (Colorado)
IBGIntermediate BTU Gas
IBGIndependent Brokerage Group (Canada)
IBGItalia Browser Game