LDELeadership Development Event (various organizations)
LDELouisiana Department of Education (Baton Rouge, LA)
LDELead Design Engineer (various companies)
LDELinear Difference Equation (electrical engineering)
LDELinux Disk Editor
LDELow Dynamic Esp
LDELinux Disk Editor (software)
LDELeft Defensive End (pro football)
LDELand Development and Engineering (various organizations)
LDELyonnaise des Eaux (France)
LDELloyd Dobler Effect (Washington, DC band)
LDELourdes/Tarbes, France - Tarbes International (Airport Code)
LDELong Delayed Echo
LDELayout Design Element (model railways)
LDELibrairie des Etudiants (France)
LDELayout Dependent Effect (circuit design)
LDELong Drivers of Europe (golf)
LDELens of Eye Dose Equivalent
LDELong Duration Exposure
LDELiving Dermal Equivalent
LDELightpath Drop Edge
LDELiquid Discharge Eject
LDELong Distance Ear (Tom Clancy)
LDELondon Document Exchange
LDELaboratório de Desenvolvimento em Eletrônica (Portuguese: Laboratory for Development of Electronics; Brazil; est. 1989)
LDELitestep Desktop Environment (software)