Acronym | Definition |
MCN | Motorcycle News (magazine) |
MCN | Multi Channel Network (Australia) |
MCN | Maternal Child Nursing |
MCN | American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing |
MCN | Migrant Clinicians Network |
MCN | Merino/Cashmere/Nylon (yarn blend) |
MCN | Minocycline (tetracycline type antibiotic) |
MCN | Minnesota Council of Nonprofits |
MCN | Modern Cloth Nappy |
MCN | Muscogee Creek Nation (Native American tribe; Okmulgee, OK) |
MCN | Movie City News |
MCN | Museum Computer Network (US and Canada) |
MCN | Mobile Content Networks |
MCN | Media Catalogue Number |
MCN | Motorcycle Consumer News |
MCN | Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience |
MCN | Mandatory Convertible Note (finance) |
MCN | Medizinische Congressorganisation Nürnberg |
MCN | Multiple and Complex Needs (Scotland, UK) |
MCN | Missed Call Notification |
MCN | Mie Prefectural College of Nursing (Japan) |
MCN | Movimiento Comunal Nicaragüense (Spanish: Nicaraguan Communal Movement) |
MCN | Mercosur Common Nomenclature |
MCN | Metropolitan Campus Network |
MCN | Metal Construction News (monthly magazine) |
MCN | Management of Change (Sigma-Aldrich Fine Chemicals Corporation) |
MCN | Micro Cellular Network |
MCN | Management Control Number |
MCN | Macon, GA, USA - Lewis B Wilson (Airport Code) |
MCN | Manufacturing Change Notice |
MCN | Marie Curie Nurse (UK) |
MCN | Massachusetts Center for Nursing |
MCN | Mississippi Center for Nonprofits |
MCN | Minimal Change Nephropathy |
MCN | Minifig Customization Network |
MCN | Multi-Hop Cellular Network |
MCN | Movimiento Cívico Nacional (Spanish: National Civic Movement; Guatemala) |
MCN | Master Customer Number |
MCN | Military Construction, Navy |
MCN | Multipoint Command Negating MCS |
MCN | Multiple Crossbar Network |
MCN | Main Communications Node (US Army) |
MCN | Matching Composition Network |
MCN | Multiservice Carrier Node (Marconi) |
MCN | Maintenance Connector Network |
MCN | Master Control/Center Number |
MCN | Material Control Number |
MCN | Mobile Communications Unit |
MCN | Minimum Critical Number |
MCN | MSE Circuit Network |
MCN | Mylius Consulting Network |
MCN | Muscle Car Network |
MCN | Myers Center Network |