Acronym | Definition |
LDI | Liability Driven Investing |
LDI | Larga Distancia Internacional (Spanish: International Long Distance) |
LDI | Laser Desorption/Ionisation |
LDI | Louisiana Department of Insurance |
LDI | Lvds Display Interface |
LDI | Load and Increment |
LDI | Lvds Digital Interface |
LDI | Load Byte Immediate |
LDI | Leadership Development Institute (California) |
LDI | Leadership Development International (Newnan, GA) |
LDI | Laser Direct Imaging |
LDI | Long Distance International (Sprint) |
LDI | Lighting Dimensions International |
LDI | Laser Design, Inc. (scanning sytems; Minnesota) |
LDI | Liberty Diversified Industries |
LDI | Live Design International (trade show) |
LDI | Local Development Initiative (USAID) |
LDI | Let's Do It |
LDI | Layered-Depth Image |
LDI | Liberia Democratic Institute |
LDI | Laser Diagnostic Instruments (Tallinn, Estonia) |
LDI | Leisure Direct, Inc. (Perrysburg, OH) |
LDI | Large Document Imaging (construction) |
LDI | Loxley Designs, Inc (Arenzville, IL) |
LDI | Low-Diameter Interconnection (computer networks) |
LDI | Liquid Damage Indicator |
LDI | Limiter-Discriminator-Integrator (receiver type) |
LDI | Linear Digital Interpolation |
LDI | Local Data-bus Interface |
LDI | Localizer Deviation Indicator |
LDI | Language Difficulty Index (linguistics) |
LDI | Landscapers Depot Inc. (New Hampshire) |
LDI | Logistics Document Identifier |
LDI | Lynai Data, Inc. (Baltimore, MD) |