LDILiability Driven Investing
LDILarga Distancia Internacional (Spanish: International Long Distance)
LDILaser Desorption/Ionisation
LDILouisiana Department of Insurance
LDILvds Display Interface
LDILoad and Increment
LDILvds Digital Interface
LDILoad Byte Immediate
LDILeadership Development Institute (California)
LDILeadership Development International (Newnan, GA)
LDILaser Direct Imaging
LDILong Distance International (Sprint)
LDILighting Dimensions International
LDILaser Design, Inc. (scanning sytems; Minnesota)
LDILiberty Diversified Industries
LDILive Design International (trade show)
LDILocal Development Initiative (USAID)
LDILet's Do It
LDILayered-Depth Image
LDILiberia Democratic Institute
LDILaser Diagnostic Instruments (Tallinn, Estonia)
LDILeisure Direct, Inc. (Perrysburg, OH)
LDILarge Document Imaging (construction)
LDILoxley Designs, Inc (Arenzville, IL)
LDILow-Diameter Interconnection (computer networks)
LDILiquid Damage Indicator
LDILimiter-Discriminator-Integrator (receiver type)
LDILinear Digital Interpolation
LDILocal Data-bus Interface
LDILocalizer Deviation Indicator
LDILanguage Difficulty Index (linguistics)
LDILandscapers Depot Inc. (New Hampshire)
LDILogistics Document Identifier
LDILynai Data, Inc. (Baltimore, MD)