MCVMean Corpuscular Volume
MCVMobile Car Valeting (UK and Ireland)
MCVMedical College of Virginia
MCVModel Controller View (programming)
MCVMutated Citrullinated Vimentin (immunology)
MCVMaladies Cardio Vasculaires (French: Cardiovascular Disease)
MCVMean Cell Volume
MCVMedium Commercial Vehicle
MCVMulti Convivial Vehicle
MCVModeling Clipping Volume
MCVMissing Control Variable
MCVMeasles-Containing Vaccine
MCVMid-Cap Value (finance)
MCVMountainbike Club Vejle (Danish biking club)
MCVMeningococcal Conjugate Vaccine
MCVModel View Controller
MCVMulti Convivial Vehicle (Dacia car)
MCVMidland Cogeneration Venture (Midland, Michigan)
MCVMobile Construction Vehicle
MCVMesoscale Convective Vortex
MCVMainzer Carneval Verein (German: Mainz Carnival Club)
MCVmaritime crew visa
MCVMiddlesex County Volunteers Fifes and Drums (est. 1982; Massachusetts)
MCVMcConnell Valdes (legal partnership in Puerto Rico)
MCVMobile Coordinating Vehicle (US FEMA)
MCVMerck Capital Ventures, LLC (investment)
MCVMain Control Valve
MCVMultipoint Command Visualization
MCVMilitary College of Vermont
MCVMotorized Control Valve
MCVMoto-Club Villeneuvois (French motorcycle club)
MCVMulluscum Contagiosum Virus
MCVMission Critical Variant (test and evaluation)
MCVMeningitis Conjugated Vaccine
MCVMunitions Clearance Vehicle
MCVMaritiome Commission, Victory Ship (US Navy)