Acronym | Definition |
MMI | Museum of the Moving Image (Astoria, NY) |
MMI | Motorcycle Mechanics Institute |
MMI | Multi Media Interface |
MMI | Man-Machine Interface |
MMI | Money Management International |
MMI | Mensch Maschine Interaktion (German: Human Machine Interaction) |
MMI | Maximum Medical Improvement |
MMI | Medical Microbiology & Immunology (various schools) |
MMI | Monolithic Memories, Inc. (est. 1969; computer devices) |
MMI | Mazda Motor Indonesia |
MMI | Millionaire Mind Intensive |
MMI | Money Management Institute (Washington, DC) |
MMI | Messe Munchen International (Germany) |
MMI | Marketing Management, Inc. (Fort Worth, TX) |
MMI | Multi-Modality Imaging (medical care) |
MMI | Marina Militare Italiana (Italian: Italian Navy) |
MMI | Modem Management Interface |
MMI | Multi Mode Interference |
MMI | Man to Machine Interface |
MMI | Multi Modal Input |
MMI | Man to Machine Interaction |
MMI | Modified Mercalli Intensity |
MMI | Madison Media Institute (Madison, Wisconsin) |
MMI | Marine Mammal Institute (Oregon State University) |
MMI | Marion Military Institute |
MMI | Molecular Machines & Industries (various locations) |
MMI | Mutual Mortgage Insurance |
MMI | Money Management, Inc. |
MMI | Money Market Instruments |
MMI | Management Methods International (Quality Results People) |
MMI | Maximum Mutual Information (decoder) |
MMI | Molecular Medicine Institute (University of Pittsburgh; Pittsburgh, PA) |
MMI | Me Myself and I |
MMI | Michigan Molecular Institute |
MMI | Mitsui Matsushima International (Japan) |
MMI | Mazda Motor Italia (Italian car company) |
MMI | Mutuelle du Ministère de l'Intérieur (French: Mutual Ministry of the Interior) |
MMI | Medical Mission International |
MMI | Multifamily Market Index (National Association of Home Builders) |
MMI | multiple mini-interview |
MMI | Mother May I (band) |
MMI | Materiel Management Institute |
MMI | Medicus Mundi International |
MMI | Medical Management Institute (Georgia) |
MMI | Major Mental Illness |
MMI | Mallinckrodt Medical Inc |
MMI | Modem Management Interface (Cisco) |
MMI | Ministry of Mines and Industry |
MMI | Morey Metal Industries, Inc (Trenton, NJ) |
MMI | Mobile Math Initiative |
MMI | Muslim Mosque, Incorporated |
MMI | Mind/Machine Interface (gaming) |
MMI | Multihazard Mapping Initiative (US FEMA initiative) |
MMI | Miss May I (band) |
MMI | Mixed-Mode Interface |
MMI | Municipal Mutual Insurance Limited (London, England, UK) |
MMI | Market Making Inventory (investing) |
MMI | Major and Medium Irrigation (India) |
MMI | Minuteman I |
MMI | Missionaries of Mary Immaculate |
MMI | Mixed Mode Interpretation |
MMI | Master Member Index |
MMI | Masters of Management of Innovation (University of Toronto degree) |
MMI | Management & Maintenance Inspection |
MMI | Maintenance Managed Item (Royal Australian Air Force) |
MMI | Maximal Merging Interval |
MMI | Multimedia Marketing and Internet (Jamaica) |
MMI | Midwest Montessori Institute |
MMI | Micro-Mechanical Inertial |
MMI | Multi-MAJCOM Inspection |
MMI | Mono-Methyl Indium |
MMI | Manpower Management Information |
MMI | Milinda Moragoda Institute (Colombo, Sri Lanka) |
MMI | Maintenance Manual Intermediate Levels (TMINS) |