MAFIAMasters at Finding Intelligent Attitudes (hip hop group)
MAFIAMazzini Autorizza Furti Incendi Avvelenamenti (Italian: Mazzini Authorizes Thefts, Fires and Poisonings)
MAFIAMusically Artistic Friends in Alliance (band)
MAFIAMothers Against Fathers in Arrears (non-profit organization for custodial parents owed child support)
MAFIAMusic and Film Independent Artists
MAFIAMorte Alla Francia Italia Anelia! (Italian for 'Death To the French Is Italy’s Cry')
MAFIAMetro Atlanta Feminists in Action
MAFIAManeuver and Fires Integrated Application (software)
MAFIAMothers and Fathers in Action
MAFIAMelissa Anelli Fans in Action