Acronym | Definition |
MAFIA | Masters at Finding Intelligent Attitudes (hip hop group) |
MAFIA | Mazzini Autorizza Furti Incendi Avvelenamenti (Italian: Mazzini Authorizes Thefts, Fires and Poisonings) |
MAFIA | Musically Artistic Friends in Alliance (band) |
MAFIA | Mothers Against Fathers in Arrears (non-profit organization for custodial parents owed child support) |
MAFIA | Music and Film Independent Artists |
MAFIA | Morte Alla Francia Italia Anelia! (Italian for 'Death To the French Is Italy’s Cry') |
MAFIA | Metro Atlanta Feminists in Action |
MAFIA | Maneuver and Fires Integrated Application (software) |
MAFIA | Mothers and Fathers in Action |
MAFIA | Melissa Anelli Fans in Action |