Acronym | Definition |
LRA | Lord's Resistance Army (rebel group in Uganda) |
LRA | Louisiana Recovery Authority |
LRA | Labour Relations Act (various locations) |
LRA | Local Redevelopment Authority (Section 2910, Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act of 1990, as amended) |
LRA | Loudness Range (audio variation) |
LRA | Local Redevelopment Authority |
LRA | Local Registration Authority |
LRA | Literacy Research Association (Oak Creek, WI) |
LRA | Local Responsibility Area (various organizations) |
LRA | Louisiana Restaurant Association |
LRA | Local Reuse Authority |
LRA | Lumped (Discrete) Raman Amplifier |
LRA | Long Range Artillery |
LRA | Low-Risk Adenoma (gastroenterology) |
LRA | Less Restrictive Alternative |
LRA | Linear Regression Analysis |
LRA | Lowry Redevelopment Authority (Aurora and Denver, Colorado) |
LRA | Long-Range Aviation |
LRA | Low-Range Radio Altimeter |
LRA | Locked Rotor Amperage (compressors in air conditioning systems) |
LRA | Load Real Address (IBM) |
LRA | Last Room Available (hotels) |
LRA | Loughton Residents Association (UK) |
LRA | Long Range Assignment (education) |
LRA | Landing Rights Airport |
LRA | Local Reproduction Authorized |
LRA | Length, Rotation, Angle |
LRA | Landscape Reconstruction Algorithm |
LRA | Long Range Attack |
LRA | Live Rear Axle (automotive) |
LRA | Low Rank Approximation |
LRA | Line Replaceable Assembly |
LRA | Lamp Rynearson and Associates, Inc (Omaha, NE) |
LRA | Launcher Relay Assembly |
LRA | Light Replaceable Assembly |
LRA | Lowest Rate Available (hotel industry) |
LRA | Logistics Readiness Assessment |
LRA | Launch Reference Altitude (missile testing) |
LRA | LTE (Long Term Evolution) in Rural America (Verizon Wireless) |
LRA | Litigation Risk Assessment |
LRA | Logistics Review Activity |
LRA | Lowest Repairable/Replacement Assembly |
LRA | Luciferase Reporter Gene Assays |
LRA | Land Registry Authority |