LOHLoss of Heterozygosity
LOHLadies Of Harley
LOHLate-Onset Hypogonadism
LOHLiturgy of the Hours (religious practice)
LOHLocal Overload Handler
LOHLebanon Opera House (Lebanon, NH)
LOHLine Overhead
LOHLight Observation Helicopter
LOHLegion of Honor
LOHLarge Object Heap
LOHLabor and Overhead
LOHLoop of Henle (kidney nephron)
LOHLay on Hands (Paladin ability; Everquest game)
LOHLegend of Heroes (gaming)
LOHLady of the House
LOHLots of Hugs
LOHLoss Of Hire (shipping)
LOHLegion of Havok (gaming)
LOHLive Open House (virtual real estate network)
LOHLine Off Hook