Acronym | Definition |
LFL | Legends Football League (women's football; Las Vegas, NV) |
LFL | Little Free Library (book exchange) |
LFL | Lingerie Football League |
LFL | Learning for Life (Boy Scouts of America) |
LFL | Lower Flammable Limit |
LFL | Leadership for Learning (various locations) |
LFL | Lutherans for Life |
LFL | Long Flash (nautical/navigation) |
LFL | Like for Like (comparison of sales) |
LFL | Lucasfilm Limited |
LFL | Loner for Life |
LFL | Looking for Love |
LFL | Loser for Life |
LFL | Lot for Lot |
LFL | Libertarians for Life |
LFL | Lady Foot Locker (est. 1982) |
LFL | Lower Flammability Level |
LFL | Lesbian Feminist Liberation |
LFL | Lessons for Lizards (software documentation) |
LFL | Left Fuel Level |
LFL | Lined Flange (piping) |
LFL | Laying on the Floor Laughing |
LFL | Light Fighter Lethality (Army R&D program for course-correcting munition technology) |
LFL | Low Female Literacy (education statistics) |
LFL | Lover for Life |
LFL | Loser Football League |