NDNorth Dakota (US postal abbreviation)
NDNeutral Density (filter used in photography)
NDNotre Dame
NDNo Doubt (band)
NDNot Determined
NDNot Done
NDNew Directions
NDNADPH (Nicotinamide Adenosine Dinucleotide Phosphate Hydrogen)-Diaphorase
NDNew Delhi (India)
NDNancy Drew (character)
NDNew Deal (Franklin D Roosevelt's plan to boost US economy in the 1930s)
NDNo Date
NDNaturopathic Doctor
NDNot Detected
NDNo Download
NDNorthern District
NDNitto Denko (Japan)
NDNational Director (various organizations)
NDNursing Diagnosis (North American Nursing Diagnosis Association)
NDNational Diploma (England)
NDNo Damage
NDNaughty Dog (video game developer)
NDNine Days (band)
NDNeil Diamond (singer)
NDNo Decision (baseball; when a starter does not win or lose)
NDNetwork Design
NDNominal Diameter (pipe size)
NDNew Democracy (Greece)
NDNapoleon Dynamite (movie)
NDNeighbor Discovery
NDDoctor of Naturopathic Medicine
NDNewcastle Disease
NDNatural Death
NDNADH (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) Dehydrogenase
NDNot Detectable
NDNet Debt (financial management)
NDNot Documented
NDNapalm Death (band)
NDNueva Decoración (Spanish: New Decoration)
NDDoctor of Nursing (degree)
NDNormal Delivery
NDNon-Directional (antenna)
NDNon-Descript (TV/film industry and animal breeds)
NDNose Down
NDNetdevil (game company)
NDNavigation Display
NDNatural Diamond
NDNipple Down (wells)
NDNaval Distillate
NDNetwork Diagram
NDNear Dark (movie)
NDNotifiable Disease
NDNavy Diver (USN job classification)
NDNegligent Discharge (firearms)
NDNo Drawing
NDNorsk Data
NDNext Degree
NDNeutron Detector
NDNormalized Detection
NDNorrie Disease
NDNatural Density (filter)
NDNon-Stationary Deterministic (neural information processing)
NDNeutron Density
NDNo Date of Publication
NDNavigational Display
NDNova Demokratija (Serbian: New Democracy Party; political party from Serbia-Yugoslavia)
NDNormal Deployment
NDNon-Distended (abdominal exam)
NDNeutral Drive
NDNetwork Directorate
NDNick Delay (IRC)
NDNatürliche Dummheit (German: Natural Dumbness)
NDNitrification / De-Nitrification