NDFNeue Deutsche Filmgesellschaft (German film production company)
NDFNeutral Detergent Fiber (in forages)
NDFNeutral Detergent Fiber
NDFNational Democratic Front (Philippines)
NDFNorske Dramatikeres Forbund (Norwegian: Writers' Guild of Norway)
NDFNational Defence Force (various locations)
NDFNetwork Diagnostic Framework
NDFNevada Division of Forestry (Carson City, NV)
NDFNon-Deliverable Forward (forward contracts in countries with currency restrictions)
NDFNetwork Diagnostics Framework (Microsoft)
NDFNeutral Density Filter
NDFNo Defect(s) Found
NDFNational Drug Formulary (pharmacotherapy resource)
NDFNational Development Framework (Afghanistan)
NDFNumber of Degrees of Freedom
NDFNonproliferation and Disarmament Fund
NDFNational Development Foundation (Antigua and Barbuda)
NDFNormal Distribution Function (stochastics)
NDFNational Digital Forum (New Zealand)
NDFNew Data Flag (SONET)
NDFNuclear Damage Liability Facilitation Fund (Japan)
NDFNLAPS Data Format
NDFNetShrine Discussion Forum (baseball)
NDFNational Defense Features
NDFNetwork Definition Facility
NDFNorwegian Development Fund
NDFNetwork Design Facility
NDFNorsk Diplomacyforbund
NDFNoise and Distortion Figure
NDFNational Data Form
NDFNihon Data Fusion Co., Ltd. (Japan)
NDFNo Direct Fire
NDFNaval Dairy Farm (US Navy)
NDFNothelfergemeinschaft der Freunde eV
NDFNon-Coherent Decision Feedback
NDFNumeric Differentiation Formula
NDFNorwegian Dive Federation
NDFNational Drug Free Youth Foundation (also seen as NDFYF; Miami, FL)